The Date

914 13 2

Tayler POV
I've never been so nervous in my life. The boys are in the apartment while I'm outside waiting for Giuliana to get here. My heart is beating a thousand miles per minute. I just want everything to go perfect! I can't mess this up.

Giuliana's POV
As I'm walking up to my apartment with my brothers I grow more and more nervous. What if he's breaking up with me?? Omg I can't think like this. Before I get to the door I stop and just stand.

"What's wrong G?" Danny asked
"I'm nervous. What if it's something bad? What if he's breaking up with me?" I replied.
"Believe me we wouldn't bring you here if he was breaking up with you. Just trust us, you'll love it" he replied.

With that I took steps forward until I reached my door. I knocked expecting Tayler but I got Anthony instead. I instantly hug him and look to my left and see all our friends in the kitchen.

"Tayler is outside waiting for you" Anthony said

With that my feet carry me outside. As I'm walking to the balcony I see rose petals everywhere. I look up to the balcony and I see the love of my life standing there in a suit. I rushed outside and gave him the biggest hug. I never wanted to let go.

"Hi baby" Tayler Said
"Hi, what is all this?" I replied
"I wanted to do something special for you. I wanted to show you how much I love you and how much you mean to me." He said

I melted right there and then. I grab him and gave him the most passionate kiss I could ever give him. Through out the night we talked, we laughed and we cuddled. Tayler soon got up and helped me up before us heading inside to hang with out friends.

"Wait I need to say something before we go inside" he says

I don't say anything. I wait for him to continue and he eventually does.

"Giuliana you mean the absolute world to me. I am so happy you are still in my life after the biggest fuck up I ever could have pulled. I can not tell you how amazing you are but everyday I look at you I fall in love over and over again. With that being said"

He pulled a little box out of his pocket and my heart stopped.

"I'm not purposing yet but this is a promise ring. It's a promise you will always be the one for me, I will always be there for you. I love you more then I could ever love anyone in my life. Will you take this promise ring and marry me down the line?" He finishes

"Yes! A million times yes! I love you" I said

He put the ring on my finger and we kissed. We walked inside and celebrated with our friends. I go to change in the room and can't stop looking at the ring. This is something I've always wanted and the fact Tayler gave it to me is everything. I can't wait to start our lives together.

Where did you come from? / TAYLER HOLDERWhere stories live. Discover now