Baby steps

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Giuliana's POV
I guess I didn't realize we fell asleep until I heard people talking in my room. I slowly open my eyes to see Anthony, my brothers and my parents all in my room. I slowly start to sit up which wakes Tayler up.

"What are you guys doing in here?" I say. "you guys have been in here for over two hours and we got worried so we came to check on you and we find you asleep. Did you even talk?" Anthony says. "Yes we talked. We are going to work on things and take baby steps. Look Tommy, Danny, mom, dad and Anthony I know you guys aren't the biggest fans of Tayler right now but I love him. I see a future with him and I want us to work out. Please don't push him away because he made one mistake that he know he will never make again." I say. Before anyone can talk Tayler starts talking. "Mrs. and Mr. Busch I want to apologize to the both of you for causing your daughter pain. That was never my intentions. Truth is your daughter is perfect and everything I ever want in my future wife and future mother of my kids. I know it seems so crazy to hear it but your daughter is my world and like I told your two sons and Anthony earlier she is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I just hope you can all forgive me."

No one says anything. It's so quiet you can hear the house settling around us. All of a sudden my mom moves towards Tayler and hugs him. Then my dad joins. Soon my brothers. Then Anthony. I can't tell you how happy this makes me. To see the people who mean the most to me hug it out so we can move on.

"Okay now that we got that over you two have some explaining to do to the sway boys because they are upset with you both" Anthony says.

Tayler and I nod and grab our shoes. We walk out of the room and head to the front door. We say goodbye to my family and start heading to my apartment so I can drop my things off. Tayler and I decided to see the sway boys tomorrow because we want a night to ourselves to talk.

We get to the apartment and say goodbye to Anthony. We will see him tomorrow when we go to the sway house to explain. I know they are probably going nuts because I haven't been answering my phone and they have been blowing me up. We walk into my apartment and everything is quiet. Not and awkward quiet but a nice quiet. I look at Tayler and all I want to do is kiss him and just stay wrapped in his arms all day. But I can't. We have to keep talking about us. About our feelings and how we are going to move on from this.

"Tay?" I say "yeah babygirl" he say. Ugh I melt but I need to stay strong for this convo. "Do you think we could go sit in the living room and just chat for a minute or so?" I say. "Anything you want" he replies.

We go and take a seat on the couch. There is some distance from us so it is nice. "So.. about us. I just want to make sure we are on the same page. I want to take things slow. Baby sets please. I love you and I believe that you will never do that to me again but I need time to see that it's true." I say "babe I understand and I will do what ever it takes. Baby steps is what you want then it's what you get. But are we still together? Or back to square one?" Tayler say. I notice he looked down when he said square one. I can't be back to square one with this kid. I love him to much. "Still together. I love you to much not to be with you" I say "I love you too" he say.

We are kinda just looking at each other. He starts to lean in and I do too. We kiss. This kiss is filled with passion, hurt, love, pain, forgiveness. We don't pull apart because we don't want it to end. Next thing you know it's a full make out session. He pulls me on his lap and I straddle him. His hands move from my back to my butt cause if me to moan. He starts to play with the bottom of my shirt and that's when I pull away. "Baby steps remember" I say. "Yup sorry I just missed you" he says. "I know I missed you too but what do you say we take a bubble bath then head to bed". I say "a bubble bath naked?!? And you want me to behave?!? I'll try my best but no promises" he says. I give him a look that says don't even think about it. "I'm kidding I'll behave I promise." He says. And with that we head off to the bubble bath to relax

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