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What happened to Bakashi Team after 'naruto' died

After the fight

The Author Pov

          Somewhere on the way to Land of Wave, The weather started to change into heavy rainfall which could rival the Kirigakure Weather.  However, the blood bath that occurred after the Vixen dead caused the atmosphere there to be a more cold and awful place to stay there. 

          "Naru-chan... is dead. My Vixen is dead...Hahaha, you guys are lying to me. Because he is still right there in front of me. he is just sleeping, Sasuke and Seiji." exclaimed the broken-hearted Kakashi. As the teammates of the 'fallen' Vixen, Sasuke and Seiji (Male Sakura) tried to explain to their teacher that Naruto was dead which caused him to be more in grief. 

        "Kakashi-sensei, Naruto-Kun is dead. please believe us sensei."Seiji told his teacher with a sad look adorned on his face. But before he could express his feelings again, he was stopped by Kakashi's glare. "Don't you dare say that word again, Haruno Seiji."Kakashi told his student with an angry look on his face. Nonetheless, he carried naruto's body in a bridal way and ran away somewhere while ignoring his students shouting at him. 

        After a few minutes later in silence, Sasuke broke the silence with a usual expression adorned on his face. "Seiji, go back to the wave village with tazuna. " Sasuke told his teammate in a monotone that made his teammate look at him with disgust. But somehow Sasuke was feeling hollow and he didn't know why. 

        "Sasuke-san...Why are you even acting like this? Don't you even care about Naruto-Kun?" Seiji asked Sasuke with a venomous tone. But before Sasuke could even explain Seiji, Seiji said something that broke his heart. "You disgust me, Uchiha Sasuke and I am sure Naruto-Kun also felt disgusted by you." With that Seiji left with Tazuna who was looking at Sasuke with pity look on his face, making Sasuke standing there all alone. 

 "I am sorry, dobe..."

~The TIme Skip~

               When the villagers of Konoha had found out that Naruto Uzumaki, the demon has died. The Villagers went into a joyous celebration for months which caused Naruto's friends and people who knew about him was disgusted by them. Seiji and Sasuke also found out that their teacher has been in isolation, because of that they started training themselves but in a separate way.

Seiji training in the hospital and Sasuke training with Danzo.

            When Sandaime felt that enough was enough. On the day of the last celebration, Sandaime Hokage called every villager to gather in front of the Hokage Office. With Kakashi on his side who was clearly depressed, Sandaime smirked as he said in a loud and clear voice. 

            "You have greatly dishonoured our Hokages, especially the fourth. and do you know why? Listen here you brainless monkeys, The one who you tortured for fun and now celebrating his death anniversary. Also, the one who saved your precious Uchiha was the son of Our First Female Hokage and the Greatest Seal master. The ones who were an inspiration to our female comrades and the younger generation. Uzumaki Naruto was the son of Uzumaki Kanjirou (Male Kushina) and Namikaze Minako( Female Minato). If you want the proof, Hatake Kakashi is the proof here."

Author Notes

ok, so the reason why I didn't write the fighting scene was because of author sucks at fighting writing which I originally was planning to do. but later when I wrote the fighting scene, it was cringy.so I had to stop and therefore, I am truly sorry. Now  At chapter one, there were some people which I didn't state the names. So It is the game time, now. Tell me the names of the characters that you think it is!

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