6- Revelation

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I trudged back to my apartment. My heart was elated and also wary of him. We were having such a nice time. But all good things end early. Truth be told I was just happy to meet him in person. I lived a life where I don't have the time for events like concerts or even a friend's marriage. I couldn't visit my friends and family back in my country. I didn't have any friends here except for us international students and a few classmates.

It was a truly sad life. But hey, at least I was doing something I liked. I came to Korea impulsively without giving it much thought. But how long do you live? Might as well enjoy the time you spend alive here without regrets. All these thoughts made me homesick. I felt choked up. I was better at holding back my tears than actually letting them out. My throat constricted painfully making me choke on air.

I opened the door and checked on Mare. She was sleeping peacefully. Thank the heavens, at least she was not throwing a tantrum. Ah! Her medicines. I tiptoed in silently and placed the medicines on her bed stand. I made my way to the kitchen.

I sat at the dining table and poured myself a glass of water. I sipped it slowly and a tear made its way out of the cage I was trying to build up. I started crying softly as I put my head on the table. All these emotions were putting up a fight against my mental barrier and they finally managed to overwhelm me as they broke out in a flood.

I ignored all the sadness and was always a positive bean. But some day, my pent up emotions overcame me. I enjoyed these days too. They gave me a release from the harsh reality. It was a form of self pity. People out in the world had it way worse than me, but everyone had their own fights. Self pity on days like these, helped keep my sanity intact.

Giving others advice was very easy. It came off as an easy task if you had been through the same stuff. But later when you looked back at it, all the emotions that you went through scroll in front of your eyes like a movie. It put you in a bad mood too, making you feel the pain of the person you were consoling. This was how it worked.

And that was exactly what I was going through then. All those conversations with Jimin took their toll on me, I guess. I eventually found myself falling asleep and I woke myself up to go to bed. I changed into comfortable pajamas and laid down on the bed.

I slowly found myself drifting off to dreamland.


"Oooohhhhh I am blinded by the lights....I can't sleep until I feel your touch....ooohhh"

I was awoken with the words of 'The Weekend' and sunlight blinding me. Irony huh? Good job Mare. I smiled in my half asleep state.

"Wake up sleepyhead....." She sang loudly.

"What time is it?" I asked, my eyes still closed.

"Half past eleven."

I felt the bed dip beside me and I scooted closer to the wall. I opened my eyes slowly...ugh the sunlight. I might as well have been a vampire in my past life.

"What happened? You ill?" I asked worried. She doesn't often sleep on my bed.

"Hangover....aahhhhh!" she screamed.

My face contorted of its own accord.

"Mare please, I just woke up. Not in my ears, please." I got up and made my way around the bed to the bathroom.

"Did you take your meds?" I asked while washing my face. God, I had terrible skin. It broke out easily and I swear sandpaper was softer than my skin when I had a bad skin day. I shook my head in negligence and went ahead, brushing my teeth.

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