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*the state of being infatuated with someone*

Saura's POV:

I dropped Cho at school and went to the hospital for work. I had been feeling anxious all day. Only one thought had been running in my mind all morning.

Was this a mistake again?

Did I make a mistake by running away from him again? Things would have been much more easier if he had just moved on and meant every harsh word that he had said to me that day.
But that wasn't Jimin. He was a an angel to begin with. Just lacking in the common sense department.

I was out of my mind, losing focus in all the things that I did.

"Doc! Are you listening?" The nurse in front of me waved her hand in front of me bringing my attention back.

"Huh?" I blinked at the people in front of me. "Oh, I'm sorry. Really sorry."

I focused on the reports that I was checking.

"How about you forget about your personal issues when you work? I need you to focus Ms. Saura." I turned around to see Prof. Jung leaning on the wall, hands in his coat pockets.

"I'm sorry sir." I pursed my lips.

"Follow me." He walked towards his office. I sighed thinking about getting scolded and followed him.

"Here." He gave me a cup of coffee as he motioned for me to sit down.

"Thank you sir, but I think I have to go back..."

"It's alright. Sit down. I wanted to talk to you. Your presence will be missed in the ward but I am sure they can manage well for a few minutes, much better than what you have been doing all morning." His sarcastic replies always made me smile.

I sat down and sipped the coffee, the aroma filling my nostrils as I visibly relaxed. I was tired after travelling for so long. I should have taken a rest but I came to work again, to take my mind off the stuff I was going through.

"So, what happened between you two?" He asked me, making me cough out my coffee.

"Who.. who are you talking about?" I spluttered. He didn't know what happened yesterday, did he?

"Dae hyun and you?" His answer astonished me even more.

Dae hyun. I gasped when I realized that I hadn't seen him all day. I was so used to having him around me every second, that I actually missed him. But thoughts of Jimin occupied my mind so much that day, that I didn't even realize that he wasn't there at the hospital.

"So Dae hyun isn't the issue." He deducted. "Did you just find out that he wasn't here?" He sighed before saying, "Poor guy. I honestly feel bad for him."

I felt even more guilty then. I felt like digging up a grave and burying myself. Why was I such a nuisance to everyone around me?

"Not to be nosy, but I guess it's my job to be available for my staff when they aren't well. What happened?"

I let a huge breath out. There we go again.

I narrated the events of the day before until the part when I ran away from Seoul in fear.

Prof. Jung tutted at me, shaking his head. "When are you going to act like a grown woman? Why are all you kids this way?"

I looked away in shame. I knew that I was being very irrational. Not only towards the others but to myself too. My heart was clear about what it desired. But my mind was a being a coward and maintained its ego.

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