29- Saudade

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*a deep emotional state of melancholic longing for a person or thing that is absent*

Saura's POV:

We were all chilling in the lounge like the day before, some of us drinking, some of us not.

"Shall we play something? I am bored." Kook complained.

"That's what you did all evening dude." Joon sighed. "Where do you get all that adrenaline from?"

"How about we play arm wrestling then, just like old times?"

A voice came from the doorway. I turned around to see Yoongi walking towards us. Oh. My. God.

I stared at him blankly, jaw dropped and eyes wide open.

He saw me and smiled. Ah, there it was, the gummy smile. "I wanted to meet you before you left tomorrow. Nice meeting you Saura."

I looked at his hand and then back at him. I tried to kick my senses back to work but I found myself failing terribly. I stood up and took his hand in mine and nervously stuttered out a greeting.

"She is way more beautiful in person." He said to Jimin, pulling his hand away.

"I told you." Jimin said smugly. I hit his shoulder, sending a glare his way.

"We have heard a whole lot about you to make our ears bleed." Yoongi chuckled and settled on the sofa beside Tae, who snuggled into him immediately.

"Taehyung ah stop, I just came back." He whined, trying to shrug Tae off him. I sat down next to Chim laughing at them. Jimin immediately pulled me into an embrace.

"Welcome back Yoongi. How was your trip?" Joon asked him, sipping his drink.

"Forget that, didn't you say that you'll be coming late?" Jin interrupted him.

"I got a few ideas at home. I cut the trip short to work on them. I didn't want to forget them, I had to record it right away." He said in a bored voice, relaxing onto the couch.

"You are such a workaholic Yoongi. Seriously? You gave up your holiday for work?" Kook put up a disgusted face.

 You know him. Now he'll not come out of the studio for days, making us all worried. God I am already stressed. How am I supposed to make you eat?" Jin shook his head.

"It's been years and you're the same too. Just give up bro." Yoongi chuckled.

I rested my head on Jimin's shoulder watching at the others adoringly. They took their passion for music to a whole new level each time. It was so endearing to watch.

"You are so obviously an Army." Jimin chuckled by my ear, pressing a kiss onto my temple.

"Let me have my moment. Shut up." I smiled at him shyly.

"God, I love you." He giggled, and pulled me closer to him.

"I'll go sleep then. I'm exhausted." Yoongi said, standing up and stretching out. He yawned. He really was a cat. I got receipts now.

"He is just like a cat." I giggled softly saying it to Chim.

He raised an eyebrow amused.

"Yoongi?" He called him.

My eyes grew in size within seconds. He wouldn't dare. My lips parted.
"Don't!" I whispered.

"Do you know what Saura told me just now?" He said smirking.

"I will kill you Jimin, I swear to God." I said gritting my teeth.

"She called you mmmphfff" I clamped my hands over his mouth to shut him up.

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