20- Liberosis

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*the desire to care less about things*


"Mmm, It's so delicious!" Mare said digging into the food on her plate. "Where did you find this place?"

"My friend brought me to this place sometime before. The food was really delicious. I decided to bring you all here as soon as we discussed about going out for dinner."

We all were seated comfortably on a table. Dae Hyun and Mare were sitting on one side, Ji hyun and his girlfriend opposite them and I was at the head of the table, next to Mare.

They had ordered so much food that I wondered how we would finish it all. I always ate little so I wasn't the best person to take out to eat. I sat there nibbling my food and looking at the others wolfing theirs down.

"Aren't you hungry? Doesn't the food suit your taste?" Dae hyun asked me.

I looked at him in surprise.

"You're barely eating." He pointed at me with his chopsticks.

"That's just how I eat. Really slow, enjoying the taste." I gave him a lop sided smile.

"Eat well." He smiled back.

I loved this moment. Being in the presence of the people you love. I just kept watching them with loving eyes.

And then it struck me. I was behaving like a grandma looking at her kids and grandkids.

I mentally slapped myself. I was growing old. Damn.

We finished food and they had started having drinks. We just sat there teasing each other and having fun. It was all laughter and games.

I was sipping on apple juice. I loved its taste. The way it fizzed and left a sweet aftertaste.

It was around ten at night when Ji hyun screamed, "Karaoke!" And now all of us ended up walking on the street, making our way to the karaoke place.

"Are you having fun?" Dae hyun started walking next to me. I nodded at him and smiled.

"You?" I asked.

"Yes, I am." He smiled. "I didn't know these guys couldn't handle their alcohol. Look at them going crazy in the middle of the road."

We both chuckled. All three of them were walking hand in hand singing some song at the top of their voices.

All the people passing by, were giving us weird looks.

We kept walking when Mare suddenly stopped walking. I was just behind her and I stopped too before I walked into her face first. Dae hyun stumbled too, at stopping suddenly.

I caught him by his arm steadying him. He looked my hand first and then at me.

"Careful." I smiled at him and withdrew my hand.

"Karaoke!" Mare pointed at a place. This idiot had created such a scene just for this? I shook my head.

We entered the karaoke place and they ordered a few more drinks.

The three idiots has started singing right away blasting music at full volume. I put the rolled up piece of cotton in my ears. I always carried them with me. It reduced the impact of the loud noise on my eardrums.

Dae Hyun and I kept talking about a few things when Mare started screaming "Saura will sing next. Saura! Saura!"

They started cheering. Dear God.

"I'm not in the mood Maren. Please." I gave her a disinterested look.

"Shut up and get your arse here." She gave me a scary look. This girl could be really scary at times.

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