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* small thing that brings you joyously back to fond memories with the wistful longing for the what's passed ,but with an appreciation for the good times*

*Yeah, I'll be down in five.*

I made my way out of the dorm down to the entrance where my doting boyfriend insisted on waiting for me. I jumped right into his arms, missing him a lot. We were nearing our one year anniversary and Jimin said that he had made plans for us. Though I was curious, I had to stay patient. I took around four days off to celebrate and here he was, picking me up for the mysterious date.

"I missed you so freaking much, I just want to eat you." He said, his voice almost a growl.  I pulled away and looked at him weirdly.

"You monster, you want to eat this pretty face?" I joked, a pout forming on my face.

"Eating your face is something I already do, sweetheart. It's s..."

I put my hands over his mouth, to save the passerby from getting to know about our love life, and pulled him out of the hospital.

We drove to the dorm first. I was bear hugged by almost everybody before we settled down in the lounge.

Conversations went on for long ending in playful bickering and lots and lots of food.

"Saura, you promised you would teach us crafting right? Let's go." Kook stood up making all three of us blink at him.

"Why would you even think of it now?" Tae asked surprised.

"Well we have a lot of time and we could have some fun right? One of the run producers let it out that our next episode might be crafting." He said the last part silently. I chuckled.

"Really?" Jimin asked, eyes wide as saucers. "Then teach me alone. Why would she teach you guys when I am her boyfriend?" He got up, pulling me up with him. "Let's go."

"Bro, you shouldn't be so selfish. You should share resources. Seriously? Is this how you are going to do it?" Tae asked dramatically.

There they go. Starting their own Kdrama again. I was laughing hysterically at this point, tears in my eyes.

"You do realize that we could spend this time for ourselves, in a better way?" Jimin said smirking at him.

He did not just say that. I looked at Jimin, eyes wide with horror.

"Ew dude, TMI." Both guys scrunched up their face in disgust.

"Anyways, she will teach only me." He replied, looking at me proudly. I pushed myself away from him and looked at the other two. "Where do we start?"

"Yay! See, this is why I like her!" They said in joy and led me to a another room.

"I'll see you later in the room. You'll not get away with this baby." Jimin whispered into my ears, sending  shivers down my spine. My heart rate shot up within seconds.

"You like the idea of it don't you?" Jimin edged me.

"Shut up Jimin." I said, fanning my heated face.

"Here, paper, scissors, gum...." Stuff kept getting piled in front of.

"Jeez, we don't need so much. My, look at all this stuff!" My eyes lit up at the sight of all the stuff in front of me. Growing up, I didn't have everything that I needed for my art and craft work lying around and I ended up using whatever I had, salvaging every last piece of paper. Making masterpieces out of waste in short.

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