24- Zenosyne

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*the sense that time keeps moving faster*

We were all sitting in the lounge sharing funny stories and cracking jokes.

"So, you've met us all except Yoongi and Hobi right? Yoongi is at home with his parents for some work and Hobi is at his girlfriend's place. You'll meet them the next time." Jin said to me.

"Wine?" Kook stood up and looked around at the others.

"You're the only one who drinks wine here. I need soju." Jin lifted a hand.

"Beer." , " Wine." Each one of them gave their choices one by one.

And then I saw them all staring at me. Jimin spoke up, "Any fruit juice for her. Preferably apple or orange."

"Thank you." I kissed Jimin's cheek. I was sitting on the sofa, cuddling him.

"Ooh Jimin, being considerate, uh?" Jin teased him.

"You don't drink?" Both Tae and Kook asked me at the same time.

"I don't." I said smiling at them.

"Why? How do you cope up with all the stress and tiredness?" They asked me with wide eyes.

Drinking was a very, very common habit in Korea. It was considered as an achievement to stop drinking. And non drinkers were considered to be of  the top tier. I chuckled.

"Drinking is not the only way to relieve stress." I said raising an eyebrow.

"So what do you do?" Joon asked.

"Sin..... I listen to songs. Sometimes I dance along to relieve stress. Working out also helps." I almost gave away that I used to sing. It would be a freaking joke to mention it to them. I slapped myself mentally. I had to stop my mouth from running free.

"You dance!" Tae looked at me with googly eyes. Oh no.

"Just a little. Nothing special." I gave an awkward laugh.

"You have to come with us to our dance practices some time! Show us too." He said excitedly.

"Hold up. You didn't even tell me that. Why are you spilling stuff out now? Like, shouldn't I be the first one to know?" Jimin pouted. I pulled his cheeks with my fingers. He was just so cute.

"You never asked." I smiled at him.

"Doesn't mean you don't have to tell me! I am going to drill you about your past, every single thing. You just wait for it." He frowned.

"You have all my time. Do whatever you want." I chortled.

"You're mine." He hugged me, wrapping his arms around me. I was very ticklish around the waist.

I wriggled, trying to get out of his hold. Kookie shook his head laughing and went to fetch the drinks.

"Stop it Chim! We just ate. I am going to scream!" I tried hard to hold my screams in.

And then he crossed the line. He hit my soft spot and I let a high pitched scream out. Everyone turned to look at us. Sh--.

I realized what I had just done. I covered my mouth with my hands. I was lying on Jimin's lap, arms around each other. The others just laughed at us and went back to their conversation.

Right at that moment, Kookie came into the room with glasses and bottles.
"Why are you screa..... Oh!"

"Sorry about that." I looked at Kookie and he was staring at my...neck?

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Nothing." He smirked and put the drinks on the table. He sat down next to Tae and gave Jimin and me a knowing look.

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