27- Opia

136 13 4

*the ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable.*

I sat on the couch, cuddling the plushie. There was a piano at one end of the wall. He sat there, putting the book, where he had written the lines , in front of him. He placed his hands on the keyboard elegantly and played a note. One followed the other and the notes of the keys joined to form a beautiful melody. It was neither sad nor happy but it was soulful. When I started getting immersed in the melody, he sang.

He started singing. I already loved his voice and this was heavenly. He sang the lines beautifully.

He sang about how he met me and that it was a dreamy night. How he thought he would never see me again but I appeared to him again. He sang about seeing the reflection of the vast sky in my eyes, our first kiss, how I gave him warmth in a hug when he was cold. He continued about how we both needed each other.

"I love you, Saura." He finished singing, saying those words to me, playing a few keys in the end.

" He finished singing, saying those words to me, playing a few keys in the end

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I looked at him. I felt choked up. I let out a breath and tears started welling my eyes. They weren't falling but they brimmed my eyes, clouding my sight. Finally, I blinked and tears flowed out of my eyes from all corners. I let out a choked sob. I didn't know it was possible to love someone to that extent.

Jimin left his piano and sat next to me on the couch wrapping his arms around me. I dropped the plushie from my hands, I didn't even realize I had been holding it all this while. I had been squeezing the poor thing to death.

I turned and hugged Jimin pulling him as close to me as possible. He gave a soft laugh and hugged me back, pulling me onto his lap. I was straddling his waist and resting my head on his shoulder. I was still bawling and he just rocked me back and forth, in a relaxing way. Soon I heard sniffling close to my ears. Was he crying too?

I pulled away and looked at him. His head was bowed and tears were streaming down his face. My heart felt literal pain. Fresh drops of tears poured out my eyes seeing him cry. I put my hands on both sides of his face, pulling it up to meet his gaze. His brown eyes looked into mine and I wiped the tears away from his face, with my thumbs.

I shook my head at him, gesturing not to cry. He smiled through the tears. I returned it and rested my forehead on his and sighed. We didn't need any words at that moment. Our entwined bodies and wet faces were enough to convey our fervor.

We stayed in the same position until I realized that I was sitting on his lap. I weighed a ton and his legs might have fallen asleep by then. I attempted to get up, but he pulled me back, shaking his head, refusing to let me go.

"You....oh my voice." I giggled. I sounded like a demon. I cleared my throat and continued, "Your legs Chim. I am not light and your legs must be hurting real bad."

"Do you see me complaining?" He raised his eyebrows.

"That's not a reason for me to keep sitting on your lap. Let go." I giggled pushing his hands away from me.

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