47- Melancholy

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* a gloomy state of mind*

I woke up to the sound of monitors beeping. I opened my eyes slowly to let them adjust to the bright surroundings.

As soon as my brain awoke from the subconscious state of sleep, my body felt indescribable pain from head to toe. I winced and clenched my teeth, not having the energy to even scream in pain. My chest heaved up and down, allowing shallow breaths to tone down the pain radiating from my arm and chest.

Why was I here?

I looked around, eyes taking in the surroundings to locate where I was.
A rather spacious room, with windows on one side, a door on the opposite. I caught sight of the i/v line running from my arm and several other little tubes running to and fro.

So it's a hospital. Most probably.

How did I end up here? I tried thinking and the rod that I had thrown into my brain to fish for the memory, reeled back when a picture of blood and shattered glass flashed in front.

And all at once the memories crashed in, making me whine in agony. Tears immediately sprung out of my eyes, flowing down endlessly. My heart rate rose up suddenly, making the monitor ring in warning. Every tear that came out made my head hurt more and more.
I laid there in bed crying my eyes out, not able to scream for help.

To scream for Jimin.

A few seconds later, someone rushed into the room and held my hand asking me to quiet down and breathe.

How could I, when I didn't even know if he was alive or not?

This sentence popping in my mind as a question, made me release a sob. Finally I was able to voice my anguish as I wailed out loud.

"Saura please stop crying. You are making yourself worse." A desperate voice held my hand, rubbing it to calm me down.

"Jimin... " I sobbed out and the hand stopped it's action.

"He is fine. Will you please calm down? He is fine. Absolutely fine." She said reassuringly.

Hearing those words made me cry harder. I was thanking every possible God in existence.

He was safe.

I repeated those words over and over in my mind, slowly regaining my self from the void. I couldn't lose him. I couldn't afford to lose him. Ever.

He had been everything to me ever since he stepped into my life with his crinkly eyes and innocent smile. He was everything to me; a stranger, a friend, a lover. He provided me with everything I had ever wanted; love, passion, happiness, anger and a shoulder to cry on. My angel.

If something had happened to him, I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself. Ever.

I loved him.

As the tears blurring my eyes drained away, I turned to see Maren by my side, looking at me with eyes as teary as mine. A chocked sob left my mouth as soon as I saw her.

She tightened her hold on my hands as she cried silently, making me cry again.

"Please calm down, you need to stay as calm as possible to let your brain recover. Please refrain from getting too emotional." The nurse on my left said to me.

When did they come here?

By they I meant the nurse and a very grim looking Dae hyun. As soon as our eyes met, he made his way towards me, crouching down to my eye level.

"Calm down. You are fine." He said, smiling at me wistfully.

I nodded slightly and regretted it immediately, wincing in pain. Was my neck broken? God, it hurt so freaking badly.

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