Chapter 5

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As I looked up, I saw maxs face light up in a way that was unexplainable such as a child on Christmas morning when the room is filled with presents and they're just filled with amazement and contentment. She looked over to me with a warm smile before running up the steps into the land of wonder in which I had singlehandedly decorated. I had stripped fairy lights over the trees that illuminated the area before us where I had an assortment of food and other objects that would be revealed later in the day. I walked up the steps to where max was stood, teary eyed.

"Thank you" she whispered before engulfing me in a hug.
"you're welcome" I replied before unwrapping myself from the hug and plating some of the food that was set up on the picnic table. The design was simple yet I could tell it meant a lot.


As El grabbed some of my favourite foods that she set up, I wiped my wet eyes with my sleeve. This was the most that anyone had ever done for me. Ever. No one had ever cared about me this much to do something so special and it made me want to cry. Happy tears I can assure. Once I had my emotions under control, I went to snag some of the batten burg (which was my favourite cake ever) and sat down by the waterfall.
"Why did you bring me here?" I asked. I was sure that I already knew why she brought me here but I wanted to be sure and being sure would be hearing it from her.
"Well, you always talk about how the waterfalls in california made you feel safe and at home and so..." she paused, gesturing towards the waterfall. "I thought that this would make you feel.. Yanno. At home." she gave me a warm smile before shovelling some pringles into her mouth. I was right, but what made me feel happy was the fact that I now knew that El listened about what I said and remembered it all instead of pretending with made my heart warm. I payed my head on Els shoulder with only one thing on my mind.I really did love this girl.

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