Chapter 16

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Me and El had spent the final weeks of summer together, purely enjoying each others company. Max practically lived at hoppers cabin as she hated going back home, especially without the comfort of having her girlfriend in her bed with her. The rest of the group had been speculating about Max and Els relationship but nothing had been confirmed... Yet.

The two girls were resting on Els bed, the brunette lying peacefully on the other girls lap. El seemed really interested in the movie as it was a new one called Frozen.
Obviously it was a Disney movie.
In comparison, Max had no clue what was going on apart from there being a talking snowman called...... Allen? She wasn't quite sure as her mind was consumed by something else.

"El" she whispered softly. El paused the movie as to not miss anything and looked up at the girl. "Yes?" she said sweetly.
Max fiddled with her fingers for a minute before mumbling a small, "nothing".
El knew something was wrong and moved her body around to face Max, straddling her in the process.

"Hey what's wrong?" she asked, slightly concerned that she had done something to upset her girlfriend.
She lifted maxs chin up so she would look at her eyes.

"Well, I was just thinking.. We have been dating for a couple weeks now and, we still haven't told the boys. I just.. Is there something wrong or is this not serious.." max trailed off sadly. Els body relaxed slightly.

"Of course we are serious baby, I just didn't want to do something you weren't ready for ya no? If you want to tell them then I would be happy to okay?" she raised her eyebrows with a small smile on her face.

"Are you sure? Because I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you to tell them." max cautiously said.

"Max, you're so cute you know that?" she giggled before taking max in a loving embrace. "We can tell them tomorrow okay?"

"okay." Max was relieved that she told El how she was feeling and got it off of her chest. She put her hand under her girlfriends chin, pressing her lips into hers softly. They stayed like that for a few blissful moments before returning to the movie. Max felt like she could finally relax and enjoy the rest of their night. Olaf! That was his name.

Time skip to the next day.

The gang had all gathered for a picnic together to commemorate their final few days of summer before school started up again. Everyone had something to bring, Max and El were in charge of food, Dustin was in charge of blankets and cushions (to sit on) and Mike had bought a small amount of alcohol.

They had decided to set up on top of a hill in the countryside as there wouldn't be anyone there. The two irls lingered behind, discussing how they were going to tell the others.

"We could just announce it," El whispered. Max looked down. She had never felt this nervous in her whole life, especially around her friends. It was like she was going insane.
"Why do we have to say it? Why can't we just like kiss or something and let them figure it out themselves?"
Max sighed and looked down, guilty. She had forced El into this and she couldn't even do it herself.
El saw her girlfriends sadness and stood in front of her,signalling her to stop.
She gave her a small peck on the cheek and squeezed her girlfriends arms. "we don't have to do this, but
If you really want to then do it however you want. I just want to be able to kiss you."
Max snorted at the remark. She felt slightly reassured and continued to walk towards her friends.

Once the friends reached the top, the almost collapsed. They had all been walking for about 45 minutes under the hot sun which meant that they were now utterly exhausted.
After sipping enough water to save the children in Africa, they set the area up. Blanket and pillows were placed around the food strategically and so were the friends.

They all scoffed some food down their throats and chattered about their summers. Dustin spoke about his camp, lucas talked about his mini holiday and Mike boasted about his and Wills time together which was very heartwarming. When it got to max, she didn't know what to say. She stuttered and mumbled a few "Wells" before El spoke for her.
"Well, she actually spent most of her time with me." she said confidently. The boys looked at each other questioningly before returning their gaze back to the girls. She knew what they were all thinking but wanted to tease for a little bit.
"Yeah we watched movies, went to the arcade.." she looked at Max who was oblivious to the boys thoughts.
"And yeah we did kiss a couple of times." she said nonchalant, taking a gulp of her lemonade. She looked over to Max who's jaw had practically fell to the ground. El failed to contain her laughter and fell backwards in a fit of giggles. Max tried to process what she just heard. Once El had calmed down, she sat back up and rested her head on maxs shoulder. Mike smiled. "so you guys are..." max nodded slowly.
"Have you... Yanno," Mike made two peace signs and banged them together (if u know what I mean). This was maxs turn to laugh as Els eyes went wide. Everyone looked down at Mike's hand and soon realised what he meant, joining in with Maxs laughter one by one. Max finally relaxed, realising that they were okay with them.

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