The Last One (alternate Ending)

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Maxs pov

My eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the brightness of the rising sun. I looked around the room and recognised the girls clothes that were strewn across the floor. I was suddenly hit with what happened last night and a big smile spread across my face. My eyes wandered down to the naked girl lying on me and stayed their for a minute,admiring her.
The ways her chest moved up and down as she slept peacefully and how her face was completely relaxed. She rarely saw El without a smile on her face so this was an irregular expression.

After some time, I slowly got up out of my girlfriends grasp and put on my pj's (which was an oversized hoodie and small shorts). I walked to the toilet and closed the door so i could have a minute in private. After doing my business, I  went to wash my  hands in the sink. In doing this, I  caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror that was placed above the sink. I was surprised to see myself smiling. I didn't know that I  was smiling and now I wasn't sure if I  ever stopped.

Last night was something special, maybe not to most but to her it meant everything. All she hoped was that El felt the same way.
She turned of the tap and stared at her reflection in the mirror, both hands on either side of the sink. For the first time in ages, she felt genuinely happy. Then she had an idea. She quickly went in the bedroom and took a look at the clock.


That was the earlier she had ever woken up.

She bolted to the wardrobe and grabbed a simple yet kinda fancy dress and pulled it on. Then she wrote a note to El to tell her where she had gone and left.

She walked a lot longer than she wanted but after some time, she arrived.

She climbed up the endless stairs and walked to the area where El had taken her previously. The waterfall. She sat down and pulled out her diary, something that she had started when she had feelings for El. It was her way of venting and now she needed to vent again, but for a different reason. She wrote for what seemed like ages, making sure to make it perfect as it was something that meant a lot.


I felt the cold breeze coming from the window and leant into Max for warmth but the space next to me was empty and cold. When I couldn't feel her with my hands, I opened my eyes to see if she was awake already but the room was empty. All that was there was a lazily written from who I assumed was max.
It read,

If you're reading this it obviously means that you're awake and I'm not there. I just needed to get out for a bit to be alone.
She needs to be alone? Did I do something wrong? I thought before continuing to read the note.
No, you didn't do anything wrong. Last night was more that I could have asked for. I just needed to do something important. Love you. See you soon xxxxxx

Well that answers my question. She knows me so well. I thought.

I was suddenly aware of how I had no clothes on as the cold breeze started to really bother me. I threw on some clothes and got ready. I didn't know where max could have gone but I needed to respect the fact that she needed alone time. It only bothered me because I couldn't give her kisses or spend time with her like I had done the rest of summer. I needed to take my mind off of it and do something productive before max had came back. That's when there was a knock on the door.
I walked over in hope that it was max and opened the door. There was nothing but a blue box on the doorstep. Cautiously, I grabbed the box and took it inside to open it.
When I opened it, I was filled with an indescribable emotion.


I needed to do something special to show her how much she meant to me and so I did.

After an hour of hard work, I finally had finished and was ready to give it to El. I left it on the doorstep and knocked so that she would find it. I looked at her body one last time through the window before returning back to the place I was before.


I opened the box to reveal a bunch of roses petals and a box of chocolate. I smiled at the thought of Max buying roses and chocolates. I looked through the box to reveal a book. I looked closely to see it was Maxs, a diary? I opened it and saw a bunch of dates and hearts with my name. I was shocked to see such a thing from max, a girl who was always tough and never really seemed to be a romantic. I flicked through the pages, each one covered in her feelings towards me. I never realised how strong they were even when we were friends. I continued to flick through until I reached the last page. I looked at the date and saw that it was today. Why? I asked myself. I started to read it carefully.

I never believed in soul mates. I thought that there were  some people who are more compatible with you than others. I thought some relationships work better than others and I didn't  think it was in the stars. I told myself that it was  just some hippy crap that people believe to make themselves feel better and that those people were weak. But in reality, they are strong. To be in a relationship, you have to put in effort, you go through double the emotions and that's hard. Their shit becomes you're shit because in a relationship, you're a team. Being in a relationship is hard but succeeding and making it work because you know you love them makes you the strongest person I know. I still believe that some relationships work better than others but I know that ours has to end. You are my soul mate and I'm not leaving because of you. I'm leaving for you. Because I know that I cant hurt you like I know I will if I stay.
You took me to the waterfall because you thought it would make me feel like home but in reality, you are my home. My home, my friend, my soul mate. Even if I'm not here, I love you and I will never stop, all I ask is that you let me go. We will be together in another life but for now, enjoy yours.

I finished the letter and my heart hurt? What did she mean? Sobs wracked my body and Waterfalls of tears were falling down my cheeks as I realised that she had left me. She left me because she loved me and that was the thing that hurt most. Our story hadn't ended, it had just begun.

Maxs pov

I walked back up the cliff shaking from sadness and guilt. I knew that she would have figured it out by now and that she was hurting but I knew it was for the best. I know everyone is probably wondering why I am leaving but love was too much.
I said at the beginning that I had never been loved and that was true until El came along. I can't lie, it was amazing but with light comes dark and my dark was my light. The thing that I loved was the thing that would push me over the edge unless I jumped.

I looked down at the crashing water below me and thought my final thoughts. I cant wait to love you again, El.

I was given the idea to make an alternate ending where she dies and I thought it was great. If you don't understand, she had never been loved before by anyone so being loved my El had overwhelmed her. You can't choose to keep either ending as I think they are both great xx

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