Chapter 6

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No ones pov

After the girls had packed away, having fulfilled their night, they both went to their respective homes.


She lay down in her bed with a genuine smile for the first time in ages. It wasn't a secret that that night had took a lot of effort to plan and achieve but nonetheless, seeing Max's reaction made it all worth it.

Meanwhile, max was also laid down in her bed with the same smile that El was wearing but this time, it was filled with many more emotions. Love,  contemptment and hope. Hope that El was feeling the same way as her.


When max awoke the next morning, her head was filled with thoughts about El. The way that when she spoke, her eyes sparkled and the way she moved her hands when she was ranting. Everything about her seemed like gold, special and worth a lot. Though, those happy thoughts didn't last when she heard her brother yelling her name. Great. She thought as she swung her legs over the side of her bed.
She unlocked her door and wondered towards the source of the yell where she found Billy, fixing his hair in the mirror. She glared at him, amused for a few seconds before he noticed her in his peripheral vision. He returned the glare but instead with an annoyed tone. "Hey shit head, get ready to leave. We are going early today." he grunted.
"No!" Max exclaimed without thinking about the consequences. Billy turned around and stared her in the eyes.
"...No?" He questioned. Max became suddenly aware of his tone and forced herself to keep calm. " I.. I." she stuttered out of fear.
"Speak Up Maxine!" he raised his voice.
"I just mean that I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I've just got up and haven't sorted myself out yet." she said all at once. She hated the fact that he made her feel so vulnerable and small. The fact that she couldn't stand up to him and stick up for herself. And she hated that her parents didn't care. After a moment of tense silence, Billy finally responded with a single word. "Tough." He turned around and shut the door in Maxs face leaving her in a mix of anger and sadness. "So just because you want to mess around with some whore before lessons doesn't mean that I should miss out!"
That was her first mistake.
"Look, if you don't come downstairs in 5 minutes then you're skating to school!" He shouted.
"fine." Guess I'm skating to school.


The young girl woke up drenched in a mixture of sweat and tears. This had been an often occurance lately which meant that the girl was familiar with the circumstance. As usual, El got up out of her bed and made a beeline for the bathroom where she took a brisk shower. She stood underneath the steamy water and rubbed her tear stained eyes but they abruptly opened after she envisioned something. She closed them again just to see what she was trying to avoid. It was max. Max kissing her. Max holding her. Max naked with her. She opened them again in disgust. Max was her best friend and she felt guilty for thinking of her in that way, even if she did like it. She turned off the water and sat down head in hands, trying to make sense of what she was thinking. Did she like her? Would it be wrong to like her? Does she like her back? Questions swarmed her mind like bees until she heard a knock in the bathroom door.
"Hey kiddo, you okay in there?" Hopper asked. She could hear the concern in his voice and answered immediately.
"Yes dad, I'm fine. Thanks." she heard footsteps moving away from the door.
What do I do now?

I'm so sorry that this chapter sucks but I wanted to show what they are both feeling and thinking. Anyways, Gary sucks and if you are thinking WhOs GaRyY? Then you suck too. Goodbye x

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