Chapter 7

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After the big shower incident, El found herself staring at her phone in temptation. She knew it would not end well for her but she didn't hesitate.

Hey max, wanna walk to school together?
Yeah sure! Meet at my house?
Sounds  good ❤️

xxMaxinexx was maxs name on els phone and 👉el👈was els name on maxs phone if that makes sense


I smiled at els text and quickly replied without hesitation. School starts at 9:00 and it was 8:37 which meant that El would be at my house shortly and I was still in my pj's. I rushed to my wardrobe and looked through every single item I owned before eventually choosing a pair of high waisted baggy jeans that showed my small waist and a cropped black jumper. I checked my phone. 8:47. Coincidentally, there was a knock on the door which made max fly down the stairs faster than ever before. God that was over dramatic. I love it. She swung open the door to reveal a gorgeous El leaning on the doorway. "hey" she said cheerily. She looked max up and down before raising her eyebrows.

"you like what you see?" max said smirking. As she said this, Els eyes widened and she looked away. She almost looked flustered.

"No, I"

"no? You saying I'm ugly?" max pryed questioningly.

"No! You look fantastic. I've just never seen you wear so much colour before!" El said quickly.
Max smiled at the compliment and looked down feeling her cheeks heat up. She said a quick thanks before closing the door and starting their journey to school. The whole walk, El was noticeably quiet but Max didn't pry. She didn't want to upset her so instead, she took the opportunity to admire her outfit. El wore pastel blue dungarees with a long sleeve yellow crop top underneath. Maxs eyes shifted to Els feet where she saw some white long socks and normal converse. Max found it funny how El looked so mature yet her clothes were so childish. She caught Els eyes for a couple of seconds before the girl said something.
"Could I try?" El asked.

Max shook her head. "Try what?"

"You're skateboard.."

Max nodded and placed it on the ground in front of El. To Maxs surprise, she got on the board with ease and moved like a pro. Her surprise must have been visible as El smirked in her direction but her smirk turned into a look of fear as the board hit a rock and flung El forwards, plunging onto the hard floor. Max ran to her side feeling guilty as fuck.
"Omg I'm so sorry are you okay I shouldn't have distracted you Omg I'm sorry are you hurt?"


Max worrying made El laugh hysterically which earned a confused look from max. "what's funny?"

"y you" she said between laughter.
Max stared for a few seconds before laughing beside El.

The girls arrived at school with 3 minutes to spare and they immediately joined to group. Everyone was there apart from Will which was perfect as they needed to discuss details about his birthday.
Mike immediately started speaking. "So the plan is, I'll invite Will over on his own and pretend that we are just gonna sit and watch movies or smthg and then when I send you the signal, you guys will all run in out of the bathroom and surprise him. Deal?"
They all responded at once with a positive" sure"
Just then, will joined the group and they went on with their usual day.

Next chapter will be in multiple peoples perspectives so get ready for that plus a surprise ship. I think you all know who I'm talking about 😉 also. I've got 50 reads which is cool so thank you!

No Longer A Thirst Trap.~Elmax Where stories live. Discover now