Chapter 14

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After the whole encounter with El,
I spent the next couple weeks of my summer avoiding her; which wasn't that difficult since my parents still had me under house arrest. All I needed to do was obey their simple orders. That didn't mean that it was any easier though. I couldn't stop thinking about El and everything that happened. I wanted to tell her. To tell her how much we connected and how much it hurt for her to not care but then I remember that I can't blame her. She was obviously drunk and as much as I don't want to admit it, I took advantage. I let my feelings take over and it ended with me getting hurt. In the end, I deserved it. However, El didn't.

My days were mostly spent of me sitting in my room contradicting myself over and over again until I was exhausted.
Should I apologise? Should I tell her the truth? No. Maybe? Ugh!
I felt as though she was driving me crazy.


There was something wrong. Max didn't call me for the next 3 weeks after the party and it hurt. What could I have done that could have hurt her so much that she would just drop me, as if I'm nothing. I lay in my bed, tossing and turning, wracking my brain for anything but it was no use. She was the only one who knew what happened that night and there were no witnesses.

Then it hit me.

The security cameras.

Surely a house that big would have security cameras right? I decided that first thing tomorrow, i would go and see Stacy, the party host, and convince her to let me see the cameras. That is, if there are any.
I wrote my scheme down on a piece of paper so that I wouldn't forget and lay down in my bed, finally able to sleep.

Time skipp

I waltzed to the front door with a coffee in one had and a muffin in my mouth (to eat on the way). I used my free hand to open the door and mumbled something along the lines of 'love you dad' before I left, it was hard to say with the muffin inside my mouth.
If I find out what happened, what do I do? Do I talk to Max about it?
I shut out the thoughts instantly as I needed to know what problem I'm dealing with first. I swiftly turned the corner to reveal the familiar house and rushed towards it. I rang the doorbell like 10 likes before someone answered.
"Oh hey there El." Stacy said breathlessly.
"Hey Stacy, are you alright?" I replied hesitantly.

"Yeah I had to run from the third floor and go all the way round the house to get to you."

"Okay well I'm in a bit of a rush so enough of the chitchat." I said roughly. It was rather rude but very necessary.

"I need to know if you have security cameras."
"um yeah why?" she frowned.

"Because I need to quickly check something from the party."

"Oh I'm sorry El but I deleted the footage from the party so my parents wouldn't find out."

I practically crumbled right there and then. "oh"

"Okay well I've really gotta go but I'll speak to you later bye!" she rushed away and shut the door. I felt bad since she must have been busy. Oh well.
My feet guided my numb body through the streets. I didn't know where I was going but I knew I would find out eventually. By now, I had finished my coffee so my body got little bursts of energy sometimes but now was not one.
After a good 10 minutes of hopelessly walking, I ended up at Maxs house.
I was suddenly full of rage and wanted to speak to Max. My fist banged on the door loudly, not caring if anyone was still asleep. When someone who I assumed was Billy opened the door, I pushed past and stomped inside. He seemed a bit taken aback at first and then confused. An arm clasping mine made me stop in my tracks.
"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" he yelled.

"To see your sister." I said forcefully, trying to contain my anger.
He released his grasp on my arm and walked up the stairs entering his own room whilst I scanned for Maxs room. When I found it, I saw the lock immediately. I felt kind of bad for a second, my anger turning to sadness. I knocked on the door quietly before unlocking the door. (it was one of them America twist lock things). I entered the room to see max lying in bed. Her eyes were red and puffy whilst her cheeks were horrendously tear stained. She must have been crying for hours. I thought to myself. I decided to let her sleep and that I would pound on her later. For the meantime, I closed the door and sat against it, watching her sleep. Quietly, I read one of Maxs many wonder woman comics since I couldn't do much else and waited for her to wake up. About an hour later, I looked up from my comic to see her, lying on her side smiling at me. "hi." I said, blankly. Her smile faded and she sat up, sleepily.
"Why are you here?" she asked

"Because we need to talk."

"How the hell did you get in?"

"front door?" I replied like it was a stupid question.

"You broke in!?" she whisper yelled.

"No, you're brother let me in." I stated. She had a look that seemed to be a mix of confusion and relief.
"so." we stared at each other for a few seconds and it felt like normal. Like everything was okay. Like we had just had a sleepover and we could cuddle and kiss cheeks and call each other babe but then I was snapped back into reality. It was different now. We had drifted and our relationship was different. That thought made my eyes tear up which made me wipe them furiously. I didn't want to look weak. I defensively crossed my arms before speaking.
"Look, you have been purposely avoiding me for weeks now and i don't know why. I don't know what my drunken self did but you can't blame me for it! I was messed up and I'm really sorry but how can I fix this when you won't tell me? I'm not a fucking mind reader alright?! " ahe seemed a bit hurt by my words but I kept going.
" And you can't bail on us everytime something goes wrong alright? There are highs and lows in friendships but
If you bail everytime there's a low then we shouldn't be friends-"i got cut off by max yelling back.
" You broke my heart! " both of us seemed shocked by her words.
" I was in love with you and you broke my heart. "
" You what? " I whispered.
" And you kissed me" walked towards me, pointing at me with her pointer finger.
"And you played me" poke
"And then you just erased it." poke
"and then you didn't care."
By this point, she was leant up against me whilst I was backed uo into her door.
"And even if you don't like me and you blame it on the alcohol, you still hurt me. And now, it's becoming incredibly clear that you don't feel the same way-" I pressed my lips into hers and kissed her passionately. My hands wrapped around her neck whilst her hands were at my waist. As the kiss deepened, our bodies came closer (if that was even possible at this point). I pulled away and looked her in the eyes.
"Yes, I do feel the same. " I smiled at her before pecking her wet cheek. "I really do."

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