Chapter 11

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It had been a week since Wills birthday party and even though it hadn't started out great, it was even Better by the end so, i suppose it was a success. School had finished for the summer meaning that I hadn't really had  anything to do. Dustin had gone to camp know where for the second year in a row, *cough*nerd*cough*, Lucas had gone on a family trip and Mike and will wanted to spend some time alone. Couple things I guess. So that left Max. She hadn't responded to any of my texts or calls and I became gradually more worried. Did she find out about my feelings? Does she hate me?


I was grounded. Billy found a way to twist a stupid story about me and got me grounded. Our parents didn't care enough to even ask what happened so they just grounded me. No phone, no skateboard. No Nothing. I wanted to kill Billy. In my time of boredom, I actually made a plan of how to kill him when I'm older (because let's be honest, what can I do right now?) and dispose of the body safely.
Besides all that, the thing that made me more angry is that I couldn't see El. It wasn't because she was my last option but because I genuinely wanted to be with her this summer and it sucked that I couldn't. I sat and wondered what she was doing right now, what she was wearing, what her hair looked like today. Then I remembered. The window! I could sneak out and be back for dinner so they don't find out! It's perfect.

I ran to my wardrobe and quickly threw on some clothes and made my way out of the window,making sure to leave a gap so I could get back in later.
Soon enough, I was running through the woods to Els cabin. Finally.


After sulking on my bedroom floor for half an hour, I decided to take a nice shower to clear my thoughts. I had removed my clothes and was about to turn on the shower when the doorbell rang. Great. I thought.
I quickly put on my dressing gown and went to answer the door. When I opened it, I was surprised to see max standing there, hands in pockets.

"um.. Hi." I said, not sure what to say.
"Cannn I come in?" max asked nonchalant.
"Yeah. Sure." I opened  the door wider to let her through before closing it and turning to her.

"So why are you here?" I said. It came out harsher than I wanted it to but I didn't care.
"Well um.. Because I wanted to see you?" she looked down shuffling her feet. "should I not have come?" she asked.

"why were you avoiding my calls and texts. I sent you like hundreds. I was getting worried." I stated blankly.

"Oh. My parents grounded me so they took my phone." I had a confused look on my face.

"Wait so how are you here?" I asked. This time I was really confused.

"I snuck out my window." oh.
"oh. Sorry I was a but rude. I thought you hated me so I was confused as to why you would come over but now I know and I'm sorry." I rambled.
"I was actually about to take a shower but I can go get dressed...?"

She gave me a small laugh before turning around. "Nah ill go. I can just come and see you tomorrow. No biggie." she shrugged.

"I'll do you one better. There's a party tomorrow night at stacys. It starts at 7. You think you could sneak out and meet me? We can go together. " I asked with a smirk.

"Yeah but they check on me at dinner time which is about six so if I sneak out at 8 then I could also get me phone and they probably won't notice." she raised her eyebrows mischievously.

"That's perfect! Okay I can ask hopper to pick you up on the wa-" max cut me off before I could finish.

"No parents can know I've been out. Deal?" she looked at me seriously.
"Deal" I nodded.


Guess I'm going to a party.

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