Chapter 13

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The next day


Everything from the previous night was a blur. My head was banging and my throat was insanely dry. Why tf did I drink so much?! How and when she got home, she had no idea but she just hoped the hopper didn't see her wasted and she didn't say anything stupid. She got out of her bed and went into the shower,trying to reduce the stench of alcohol from herself. GOD.


When I woke up the next morning, I felt pretty good. I didn't drink a lot so that I could get home without raising suspicion and the one thing she hadn't stopped thinking about. The kiss. She realised that El was pretty drunk at the time and she didn't want to take advantage which is why she pulled away but she really didn't want to. She just hoped that El meant what she said.

When she looked around the room, she realised that her phone wasn't there which meant she put it away before her parents woke up. Well shit. The only way to talk to El was in person which meant she would have to sneak out again. She realised she was playing a risky game but she also had to talk to El. She sighed through her mouth. She would have to leave at about 2pm so that she could have lunch with her parents first. She looked at the clock, 12:30. She had an hour and 30 minutes to do absolutely nothing. Great.

Time skip to when max is about to leave.

Max swung her legs over the side of her windowsill. This was like the 4th time she had done this and it was starting to hurt her ankles but she didn't mind. She jumped from the window and landed on the hard ground with a thud.
She thought that she had gotten away with it until she heard a slow clap coming from the side on the house.
Shit. Billy.
I looked over in defeat to see a smug smile on his face.

"You are terrible at being sneaky, you know that?” he stated, eyebrows raised.

" Yeah, I know" I said looking down.
"I assume you're going to tell Mom right?"

"I could, or we could make a deal.."
I looked at him in confusion and he elaborated.

"Well you see maxine," he started, slowly walking towards me.
"There's this thing I wanna do tonight however it starts past curfew. So. If you don't tell mom about me, I will let you go and do whatever nerdy shit you wanna do. Deal?"

I couldn't care less about what Billy was doing tonight and if me not caring means my freedom, then I'll take it.

" Deal. " I said, before taking off in the direction of Els House.

I knocked on the door softly,
awaiting my signal to come in but no one responded. I assumed that they just didn't hear he so I knocked again, harder(which made my knuckles slightly sore) but again, no one responded.
She must be home. Where else would she be? I thought to myself.
I decided to try the door handle just to see if it was open. It was.
I was hesitant to walking in uninvited but the thought of El possibly being hurt was enough. I closed the door behind me.

"El!" I called out, dragging on the 'l'.
I knocked on her bedroom door and still, no response. I opened it slightly and my heart raced.
I saw El, lying on the floor, her body in a starfish shape.

"Omg El! Are you okay?" I asked, terrified.

"Im dying..." she mumbled.

"What why?" my eyebrows furrowed.

She looked at me dead in the eyes.
"I'm hungover."
I started laughing hysterically. I completely forgot that she's never drunk before. After a moment she started giggling with me. Once we had calmed down, she sat up to face me.

"So." I began. "About last night,"
She put her head in her hands and sighed.

"Oh god what did I do? I don't remember a thing."
I sat, my heart pinched with sadness. Should I tell her? What if she didnt mean it? Would it make things awkward?

El moved her head towards me and opened her middle and index finger, letting one eye peek out.
" what's wrong? "she said cautiously.
I couldn't meet her eyes.

" well. You were very drunk and you came over to me and asked me to take you somewhere quieter so.. We went to an empty bedroom. And you.. "I stopped,looking over at El who was waiting for me to continue.
" and you cried. I don't know why and that's all. " I blurted out. I couldn't tell her about the kiss. I couldn't bring myself to do it. She obviously didn't mean it and that hurt. ALOT. She looked down and I could see her trying to remember something.


Max didn't look at me whilst she told me. I felt like she wasn't telling me something but I didn't want to pry. If she didn't tell me, there was a good reason. I looked down trying to remember the events that happened that night but it was blank.

"Do you need some water?" max asked.
"um,sure thanks." she got up and left the room, closing the door behind her. I rested my head on the edge of the bed in frustration. Something was wrong and I was sure that it was because of me.
Did I say something?

I desperately searched my brain for any small details. Suddenly, flashes of the previous night filled my head.

I groggily stumbled into a room, it was a dark blue colour and fairly small. Max closed the door behind us,locking it.

Me lying on the bed, completely out of it and Max lying next to me.

Me crying and Max holding me, comforting me softly. 

Max and me-
Max walked into the room with a glass of water like I asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Hey. I brought you an adderall for your head" she said. I notice the redness under her eyes. Like she'd been.. Crying?


I felt tears forming in my eyes and took any excuse to leave the room. I walked into the open kitchen and slid down the counter. How could I have been so naiive and stupid to believe that she would actually like me back. I let the tears fall down my cheeks and I quietly sobbed into my hands. I sat for a few minutes until remembering
that El was waiting for me so I got the water and an adderall for her head. I quickly wiped my face to make myself look presentable and walked back into the room.

"Hey, I brought you an adderall for your head." I tried and failed to sound cheery all at once.
She looked at me sadly before taking them.

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