Chapter 10

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When the boys gave us the option of choosing a movie, I jumped at the chance. Anything to get away from the awkward situation with El. To my advantage, everyone apart from El have gone upstairs to choose a movie. Even though I wanted to get away from her, I felt bad for leaving her on her own. I sighed heavily through my mouth and slowly wandered down the stairs. Peaking round the corner, I could just about see El, sat in the same spot that I left her in. She looked as if she was deep in thought and so I turned to head back upstairs, not disturbing her. I got up about 3 steps before tripping over my own foot and falling backwards. I hit the floor with a loud bang that Australia could have heard.

"Shit, max are you okay?!" El ran over to me with a concerned expression.

"I'm fine, I've had worse." I thought back to all the times my step dad or Billy had hit me. This was nothing in comparison.
El wrapped me in a hug before helping me off the ground.

"What happened?!" Mike yelled from the top of the stairs.

"I just tripped. Im fine." I responded.
Mike nodded and went back upstairs, presumably to the rest of the party who, unsurprisingly, were unaware of the noise. They were probably to involved in themselves to notice.
Me and El walked up the stairs, hand in hand, to gather some snacks from the kitchen.

"Doritos or pringles?" I asked, holding one in each hand.

"Pringles." she answered with certainty.

"Good choice!" I exclaimed, throwing the Doritos back into the cupboard. Disgusting. I thought.
"Pepsi or lemonade?" I asked. "This one decides our friendship."

"Definitely Pepsi." she didn't seem as sure this time around. I looked at her with wide eyes before responding.

"Pepsi 100%" El  sighed out of  relief.
"Why are we so dramatic?!" we both giggled at our qUiRkInEsS and went to watch whatever movie the boys had chosen. Most likely die hard or some action movie.

"DIE HARD!" Lucas and Mike yelled whilst inserting the disc for the movie.
"You boys are so predictable you know that?" I replied with a smirk.
We all (apart from Lucas and Dustin) smushed onto the couch with our snacks and drinks. The other two boys were sat on the floor below us with a blanket and some pillows for comfort.

I had always like the movie, but the thing that made me like it even more was the fact that everytime a gruesome scene came on, El would hold onto me just a little bit tighter, which I loved. Once the movie had finished, the boys begged to watch the next one (die hard 2) but Mike refused since it was late, 11:47 to be exact. El had already fallen asleep on me which I of course didn't mind.

"Do you need help?" Will asked referring to El.
"Nah I'm good, I don't want to wake her." I whispered loud enough for Will to hear. He nodded before turning off the lights, signalling for the rest of us to go to sleep. I had lay my head down, almost nodding off before I remembered one last thing.
"Happy birthday will." I whispered.
"Thank you." he whispered back. I could hear the smile on his face which made me feel good. And with that, I fell asleep.

A/n - I think they forgot about taking my phone because I've been sat up here writing chapters and they still haven't taken it so.... Lmao get ready for like a hundred chapters.

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