Make a wish. What are you wish for? Love, or be happy? Make a wish, and do as dreamers do and all our wishes will come true.
When you blow the Dandelion flower, your wish will come true.
Hanie, Hea dan Nicole mempunyai permintaan masing2. Mereka m...
"Kamu trsnyum bila ingat psl org tu.. Hurmm menarik.."mr.jeon cuba nk mnyakat...
"Huh?? Mana ade la appa.."jungkook rasa telinga dia pnas...
"Ok2.. Tk ada apa.. Tp, appa nie agak hebat taw dlm soal cinta, if you need me, just call me ok??"mr.jeon kenyit mata..
"Ish appa nie.. Dh la.. kook beli banana milk tu guna hrga staf.. Kook balik dlu.. Cium eomma utk kookie ok??"jungkook peluk appa dia and kluar.. Dia belikn banana milk utk hea and dia drive balik ke dorm...
Sementara itu.. Hea baru balik dari kdai serbaneka.. Dia jln smbil pgang plastik and mkn lolipop..
"Hea kn???"sorg laki tegur dia..
"Ye sy.."hea pndang lelaki tu...
"Sy hongbin, senior tahun kedua course Law.."lelaki tu prkenalkn dia.. Hea tunduk hormat...
"Ye senior.."hea pndang hongbin...
"Err.. Awk prgi mana malam2 nie.."jam da pukul 8.00 mlm..
"Kdai serbaneka dpan sana.. Sy craving bnde manis sbb tu la.."hea snyum, dia tk thu plak ramai senior yg ramah at sini..
"Owh ok.. Hurm.. Sy.. Err.. Sy.."hongbin nk ckp ssuatu..
"Ye?? Knapa senior??"
"Sy nk minta nmbor phone awk boleh??"hongbin takut2..
"Eh hea, hongbin.. Korg tk balik lg.. Hea, awk dari mana?? "Jungkook muncul..
"Senior.. Sy dari kdai serbaneka hujung sana... "Hea tunduk hormat...
"Sy nk ambil brg at kreta.."hongbin bgthu..
"Owh ok.. Hea, tggu kjap ye.."jungkook prgi balik at kreta dia..
"Err.. Tk apa la hea, nnti kita smbung ek.."hongbin msuk dlm bgunan M..
"Eh.. Kata nk ambil brg at kereta.. Pelik la.."hea garu kpala dia yg tk gatal tu.. Jungkook muncul dgn banana Milk..
"Nah.. Sy kalahkn.."jungkook bg plastik at hea, hea buka plastik tu and trnganga..
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Ade dua dlm plastik tu...
"Serious lah.."
"Yup.. Ade 12 kotak, sy harap cukup bnyk la tu.."jungkook snyum..
"Arrgghhh thank you.. You are the best senior.."hea happy sgt smpai dia peluk jungkook.. Jungkook trgamam, hea baru sedar apa yg dia buat..
"Sorry senior.. Sy happy sgt sbb tu la.."hea excited and ktawa tgok banana milk tu.. Jungkook pndang hea...
"Banana milk nie, mmpu buat awk trsnyum happy mcm tu skali.."jungkook ckp dlm hati...
"Sy suka sgt banana milk, lg2 brand nie.. Rasa dia fresh gila.."hea tunjuk thumb up smbil peluk banana milk tu..