Chapter 11: The voice

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Amelie's POV

I still don't know what to say, I've been staring at my hands from the moment the phrase left my mother's mouth. It's impossible. It has to be impossible. Chris isn't the devil, I'm not the Devil's daughter, so how on earth am I supposed to be the future queen of hell?

"Who's my father?" Chris asks, looking at my parents with a perplexed expression on his handsome face after ten minutes of silence. His hair floats around him as his eyes turn black, his magical form threatening to appear, when my parents arrived, he changed back to normal as to not scare them. I'm pretty sure he doesn't care anymore.

"I am." We all turn around to look at the direction that the godly voice came from only to find an older man who seems to be in his late 50s smirking with his arms crossed over his chest and leaning on the door frame of the front door. Wings of fire bigger than Chris' appear out of his back, he's tall around seven feet and his eyes are pure black, his skin is red. Red.

My wolf retreats in my chest from the fear and my parents bow their heads at this person- or shall I say creature.

"Who are you?" I ask coldly, I feel Chris tense up at the view of his real father, he's frozen in place and his dark eyes don't leave his dad's.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." The stranger says wiggling his finger in the air and taking a step towards the living room, "That's no way to talk to the Devil." He smiles wickedly. My eyes widen and I start laughing, this has got to be a joke.

Not the time you idiot. Chris snarls in my mind as he gets up and places himself in front of me, blocking my view from the Devil, the Devil. A wolf appears out of him and starts growling at Satan, the wolf is huge, almost as tall as the boy protecting me, he has two wings matching the ones that Chris now sports on his back.

"Now is that a way to greet your father?" The man smirks as he opens his arms as if waiting for a hug.

"You're not my father." Christopher spits.

"If I'm not your father than why would I be on this pitiful excuse of a planet? Besides the fact that I need to kill two problematic humans, but that's a story for later." He smiles, his teeth as sharp as fangs. He's here to kill my parents. No. As if he could read my mind he laughs. "Those aren't your parents; your parents are in Hell with me and they've been awaiting this moment for the past 18 years." He moves to the side to facilitate his communication with me.

I feel my heart racing, I knew I was adopted but I didn't think my parents were demons.

Don't let him get to you. Run. Chris pleads.

No. I say my voice steady.

"It's quite rude to keep your conversations to yourselves. There are other people in the room." The Devil rolls his eyes. My parents still haven't said a word. I look at them, catching their eye and I mouth a final I love you as I get up and using my magic I whisk them out of the apartment, breaking the windows and sending them falling through the sky, I levitate them until they reach the ground safely, they may have cuts on them but they're far away from this thing. I know where they land so I attempt to make a stone house around them to shield them. Until I feel myself drop to my knees. My power and body aren't mine to control anymore.

"Don't hurt her!" I hear Chris scream.

"I'm not, cause then how am I going to be a grandfather?" The Devil asks mid-laugh, is he serious? "I was going to kill those pitiful humans but if your bride seems to care about them so much as to throw them out a window, then I may as well spare their lives." The Devil shrugs.

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