Chapter 4: The Disappearance

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Christopher's POV

I take a long shower, I know she can no longer see me because she practically told me she couldn't, but for some odd reason, we can still communicate mind to mind.

My decision hasn't changed yet. I'm not going to see her ever again.

This is only proof of that reason. She awakened something inside me that I didn't know existed. And I of hers.

I know that she wasn't controlling whatever- or whoever- it was that appeared out of the flames. She was terrifying yet I felt drawn to her somehow.

I caught on fairly quickly, that what we had to do to put our powers to sleep was talk to them as if we were seducing them.

When I finished calming down her power, I felt something weird, with scales that enveloped me as if hugging me and fur caressed me affectionately and snuggled against my mind, as if her inner beast recognized me and said hello.

I didn't know such a thing could exist.

Now I have I have to call Tristan and Logan so I can drink and try my best to forget. Not like alcohol has ever affected me, anyways.

Amelie's POV

The gifted of water speaks first, ''You almost burned the whole hospital down.'' Snarls one elder lady, I can tell she's a patient at the hospital since she's wearing a hospital gown.

''I what?'' I ask wide-eyed. How can I burn down a whole hospital? I was simply in a vision.

Then again, a vision where Chris made me look like a she-devil, but still!

''Fire exploded out of you while you were stuck in a trance." Doctor Smith said. "You weren't responding to your name, the fire was venturing out of your body and going through the hospital looking for something and it suddenly stopped.'' Was it looking for my almighty mate?

Ooh I like that.

Hey dipshit, I'm going to call you my almighty mate from now on. I say sarcastically.

No answer. He was serious, he doesn't want anything to do with me. I personally don't care but I hear something whimper deep inside me. Could it be that I have a similar beast to his?

''Every gifted of water in the hospital tried to protect whoever or whatever they could, luckily no one was hurt.'' Thank god, I don't know what would have happened if I had hurt someone.

''I- I didn't mean to." I say honestly, my voice barely a rasp.

''We know but you're still a danger to this hospital and everyone in it.'' A doctor says, she looks older than Doctor Smith, maybe in her late 40s, from the color of her scrubs I can tell she's an attending.

"Wear this.'' They give me a metal bracelet with a rock glued to the center of it, my eyes widen. Meteorite. The meteorite is so small, yet I can practically feel its power.

I've never seen it in person, I've heard stories from others, that when you have it on you, you're in a prison and you don't even notice.

And when you do it's too late.

''It's to protect you and everyone around you.'' My mother says, her blue eyes shining with concern. The blue of her eyes act like waves crashing against her pupils. I nod and take it from the doctor. I don't particularly feel anything.

I put it on my wrist. The cold metal is cool on my too-hot skin, almost comforting. It brings me nothing but calm. As if my mind was my own again.

I took that moment for granted.

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