Chapter 26: The instructions

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"The mated pair, a pair of the most powerful beings in the universe, created for the sole purpose of controlling chaos and death, meant to rule Hell for over 5000 years until their children find the other half of themselves.

One half is the descendant of the original King and Queen of Hell, and the other is the most strong-willed and chaotic demon alive during their era.

One is calm and collected and the other is driven by rage and revenge. They are each other's equal. One cannot exist without the other or the balance created between them will be disrupted, causing them to go insane.

Their equivalent in Heaven is the destined pair, where they are created to control life and harmony.

These two pairs are the most powerful beings in the universe, and they are the only celestial beings with the capability of turning immortal." I interrupt Christopher's reading. He's teleported our bed and us to the weird fire circle that is named the mated circle apparently. Although there is no light, the words on the pages glow so we can read properly.

"How are we two of the four most powerful people in the universe if your parents have the powers as well." I look up at him since my cheek is resting on his chest.

"If you would let me read, I'd tell you." He says with a sarcastic grin. I roll my eyes and turn back to read the book. "Let's continue, shall we?" He says.

"When the first Devil was sent to Hell, chaos and death followed him everywhere he went. He was furious, angry, and lonely. His subjects obeyed him, and the humans feared him. He was named Satan.

His need for chaos and revenge drove him insane, he would go out in Hell for the sole purpose of killing and causing destruction until one day he teleported to the plains of Hell, as if his magic demanded it from him. In front of him was a girl with flames exploding out of her, the earth was moving and there was a whirlwind of air around her. She was the first and only demon that the Devil met, who had more than one power. She was back facing towards him

Besides the magnetic attraction he had for her, the first thing he noticed was her long hair as black as night. Then, he noticed the flames that were the darkest orange, they could be, signaling midnight, a life that wasn't his flashed before his eyes and he collapsed to his knees.

'Who are you?' The Devil asked his mate. At the sound of her King's voice the girl's magic stopped and she started shivering as she turned to face him slowly. Her black eyes met his red ones and time froze as they stood there just staring at each other in the middle of a ring of fire made from the Devil to keep her from running away.

'My name is Adesina, your Highness." She whispers as she keeps her head hung low.

For the first time since the Devil was sent to Hell, he smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Adesina. What are you doing here? We're in the middle of the plains of flames, it's barren and empty, it's only occupant the red sky."

"It's my birthday and the dem's told me to be away from others, since I would bring huge destruction once I received my gifts, your Highness." She mumbles, but then she meets his stare defiantly. "If I may ask, what are you doing here?"

The Devil grins. "I was called here. I don't know how or by who, but I do know why."

A year later they married in the same place they met, the mated circle. Also known as the original Hell since it is where the Devil found his other half and stopped his reign of destruction and fear.

Adesina was the missing piece of the puzzle, the calm to the storm, the ray of sunshine in the darkness and the joy in the despair."

"That was beautiful." I whisper.

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