Chapter 13: The dinner

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Amelie's POV

Nope here we don't go. I feel my hands tremble and I take deep breaths as my breathing turns rigid. I- I can't breathe. I speak through the bond unconsciously. I turn around and lay my head on the stone walls. I've been here for an hour and they expect me to meet people who claim to be my parents.

Amelie. Breathe. Christopher says with a comforting tone.

I can't I- I have to go. I whisper as I try to walk away before I'm pulled back into a strong chest. "Breathe." He says in my ear, and I do as he says. "Let's go." He says softly, before he drags me in the direction we came from, away from the crowd that I can hear chit-tatting in the dining room.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he holds my hand and leads me through the massive castle.

"Back to our room." My eyes widen, I thought that was his. I stop abruptly in my tracks.

"What do you mean our room?" I scowl as he turns around and he rolls his eyes.

"It wasn't my choice." He snarls as he continues walking, I roll my eyes and follow him.

We make it to our room after walking in awkward silence for five minutes. "Go ahead." He says sternly.

"What do you mean go ahead?" I question him.

"Let it out. Scream. Cry. Just let it all go." He says sternly and as if it was what I needed to hear I collapse to my knees and I start crying for what seems like hours as he holds me and whispers comforting things to me, they don't help but it's the thought that counts.

After a while, he gets up and leads me to the bathroom where he draws a bath. "I'll go tell everyone that you're not feeling well, and I'll bring you some food, okay?" He says softly, placing a loose strand of my hair behind my ear, I look up to meet his stare, his black eyes are mesmerizing, our faces inches apart. Before we can get carried away, I turn my head in the opposite direction.

"Thank you." I say softly as he gets up to leave, I think he doesn't hear me, but while he's at the door frame he turns around and replies a soft you're welcome.

I need to go back home; I can't stay here. I won't stay here.

When he closes the door behind him, I change and slip into the warm bath; I heat it up when it gets too cold. As I start sinking in the water, the water moves as well, making waves appear above me but not crashing on me. I sit up and move my hand in the air, the water moves with it, I play with my new magic until I get used to it. I then extend an arm towards the door and imagine turning the doorknob it works I then-


Goddammit. I growl in frustration.

Aren't you supposed to be relaxing? He asks as he lifts a chalice of wine to his lips.

I was until I got stuck in your mind. I roll my eyes.

Well now you have the pleasure of watching something you never wanted to attend. Lucky you, princess. He smirks as he puts his golden wine glass down. He sits next to his mother who's at one end of the table. There's an empty seat next to him.

Was that one supposed to be mine? I ask.

Yes. When I told everyone, you weren't going to be able to make it, your mother I presume, started questioning me endlessly, I can see where you get it from. I roll my eyes.

She's not my mother. I say blandly.

Amelie. He says my voice with a warning tone, as if I was a child.

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