Chapter 12: Hell.

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Christopher's POV

"Mom?" I croak as I fall to my knees, tears threaten to leave my eyes as I stare at the door of the closet, Amelie has now put her hand on my shoulder to try comforting me, she doesn't know why I'm acting like this but I'm guessing she can feel it. The girl is still screaming in pain, but I don't care as I await to see my mom again.

I see a shadow make its way towards the door, and I just stare in shock as my mother enters the room. Her brown eyes as bright as the last time I saw her all those years ago, her brown hair cut short to her shoulders floating in the air. She smiles at me, "Hi, my love." She says sweetly and I start crying, she was supposed to be dead.

"You." She says angrily to the servant now sprawled across the floor. "An order from the Prince is an order you have to follow, regardless of your old personal relationship." What personal relationship?

How am I supposed to know? Amelie snickers.

I wasn't talking to you. I sigh.

My mother continues, "And as the beautiful girl said, no" Her eyes turn black, wasn't my mom human? "Means no." She blinks and Daphne disappears, I look at her wide eyed, she can't be my mom.

She advances to hug me, but I move back, she's not my mom. "Christopher-" She pleads, her voice barely a whisper, devastation is displayed all over her features.

Chris, please hug her, she's your mom. Amelie says softly, my mom stays frozen in place.

My mother is supposed to be dead. I say flatly as I look at Amelie, concern reflecting in her eyes.

But she isn't, she's here, so hug her, you have a second chance, don't lose it. She says softly as she squeezes my shoulder and smiles as me. She's never been nice unless she's been in a traumatic experience, this is weird.

I get up and Amelie leaves the room, she smiles softly at my mother and uses her two index fingers to point her cheeks up to make a smile, telling me to smile. I roll my eyes and she leaves to go to the bathroom.

I look at my mom to see she's on the verge of tears. I advance slowly and hug her. "You're real?" I croak.

"Yes. I've been waiting for you to come back for the past four years sweetheart." She smiles sadly, her eyes crinkling, as she wipes my tears off my cheeks.

"I- I thought you were dead." I sob as I hug my mom tighter.

She sighs, "I had no choice. It was to protect you." she strokes the back of my head lightly, she's really tall for a woman, about 6 feet, which makes sense since my father, the Devil apparently, is as tall as Shaq.

"Protect me from what?" I ask, backing away from her.

"Everything will be explained at dinner, make sure your fiancée wears one of the nice dresses please. Her parents have been waiting to meet her since they sent her away." It's true, Amelie was just revealed life-altering news as well, and she hasn't even mentioned anything.

We have to talk later. I say through the bond. No answer.

"I have to go now, but I'll see you later okay?" I nod and smile softly. My mom is alive and she's here with me. As she departs, she turns around and looks at me, she sighs and puts a hand to her chest as she blinks back tears, she leaves shortly after.

Amelie. No answer. Amelie are you okay?

Leave me alone! I hear her sob. Shit.

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