Chapter 14: Multiple powers

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Amelie's POV

"Shouldn't you be in bed? You don't look too good." She says sympathetically, I hate the fact that she's nice.

"I'm fine." I say dashing out of there, I need to get out. I need fresh air.

"Where do you think you're going?" Edward questions as he approaches me while I'm in a random hallway, concern sprawled on his face.

"Air- I- I need air." I manage to say as I hold my stomach, it hurts a lot.

"Air and food. Follow me." I do as he says, he's in his demonic form, it's not as scary as I thought it would be.

He brings me to the kitchen, "Eveline!" He says happily as a young girl hugs him. Her skin is turquoise, and her hair consists of vines, her eyes are as green as meadows.

She turns to look at me and I smile widely at her, "You have a girlfriend!" She giggles, Edward rubs his neck, his cheeks flushing pink.

"I'm not his girlfriend." I laugh and catch my mate's cousin stare. I feel something flutter in my stomach. This is weird, suspiciously weird. I try not to let my skepticism show as I redirect my attention to the little girl. "My name's Amelie." I say as I crouch down to talk to Eveline face to face.

"You look like a Princess!" She says as she eyes my gown, it's ruffled and it has spit and vomit on it, I should've changed first.

"Thank you," I smile, "but I think that you're the princess here, your hair is the most magical thing I've ever seen!" I exclaim wide-eyed, I'm surprised when she hugs me.

"Thank you, some people make fun of it." She says sadly.

"Why? It's beautiful." I rub her back soothingly and look up to see Edward shrugging his shoulders.

"They say I belong in heaven instead of hell." She whispers. I try not to roll my eyes, since we are in hell after all.

I don't have the time to reply as the little girl is snatched away from me and into the arms of a man, quite tall, with yellow skin and fangs hanging out of the side of his mouth, goblin wings sticking out of his back. I'm not one to judge people by the way they look, but he doesn't seem like a very nice person.

"What have I told you about ignoring your duties so you can talk to customers?" He screams as he slaps the girl across the face.

You may have stopped me from killing two people today, but you won't now. I smirk. This child abuser is dead. I don't care if they kill me after.

Amelie, don't. He warns.

Watch me. I groan.

"You're going to apologize to her for that." I say calmly.

"And who the heaven are you?" He snarls.

"Your worst nightmare." I say sweetly.

"Amelie, I don't think this is a good idea." The second to the throne states, grabbing my arm and whispering in my ear, I burn his skin where ours makes contact, causing him to let go abruptly.

"Oh Edward, if you think this piece of shit is going to get away with this, then you're so very wrong." I smile wickedly as I turn my attention to the goblin like demon and I burn his hand, causing him to let go of Eveline who runs to my side and grabs onto my leg, terrified.

"You bitch!" He growls. I wait for him to be merely a few feet away from me as I throw a gust of wind his way, causing him to fly onto the kitchen shelves. I laugh, this is incredibly fun.

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