Chapter 15: Hypocrisy

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Christopher's POV

Once I received all my memories again, it felt like a breath of fresh air, apparently once we returned back to hell my father erased Amelie and I from every human on earth's memory.

I still can't believe I spent four years on that pathetic planet as a human and I was being used by one as well.

Earth made me soft-way too soft. I only show that part of me to Daphne. I'm ashamed to know that I pushed her away, it disgusts me to know I was being nicer to Amelie over her.

Daphne is the love of my life, we've been together since we've been 10 years old, what I have with her cannot be compared to anything I had with Rosalind. I still can't believe I was going to marry a human. I'm a Satan for the Devil's sake.

"Are you okay son?" My father asks.

"Yes." I state.

"Good, that means-" I don't leave him the time to finish as I rush out of my room and look for Daphne, servants look at me with a scared expression on their faces as they take in my clothes. My shirt is drenched in sweat and my nose has dried blood caked all over it.

I enter my chambers and I see daphne cleaning the bathroom, it's full of spit and vomit, Amelie's most likely, but I don't care.

"Daphne?" I sigh as I take in her green skin and her unique eyes.

"Yes, your highness?" She snarls as she meets my eye, almost immediately her eyes that were once filled with hatred tear up. "You're back?" She sobs.

"Yes. I'm so sorry Nee." I plead as she jumps in my arms, I bury my face in her neck, ignoring her dirty hands.

"I should shower first." I state pulling back.

"Okay I'll wash my hands." She says softly.

I shower as fast as possible and embrace Daphne shortly after. I missed her so much.

You may have stopped me from killing two people today, but you won't now. This child abuser is dead. I don't care if they kill me after. Amelie says through the bond.

"Really? Now?" I growl. Daphne looks at me with a confused expression. Amelie don't. I warn.

Watch me. I can practically feel her twisted smile. This girl and her murderous thoughts are going to be the death of me.

"I'm sorry Daphne I'll be back; I just have to make sure that someone doesn't commit murder." I snarl as I take her off me.

"Leave her alone, she's a bitch anyways." I have to conceal my wings from showing, I might be myself again, but I still don't like hearing anyone talk bad about her.

"I have to go but if I ever hear you call her a bitch again, I won't conceal my magic." I put on my shirt and storm off leaving her speechless. Weirdly, I don't feel bad about saying that to my childhood best friend.

"Your Highness!" A kitchen woman yells as she runs towards me.

"Yes?" I roll my eyes; I have a murder to prevent.

"Your mate is attacking Ursulon." She whispers.

"Thank you." I say as I run towards the kitchen, I enter to see my mate choking the dishwasher to death as a little girl holds on to her as if her life depends on it, there's a red mark on her face. For some reason, seeing Amelie with a little girl makes something tighten in my chest, I push it down.

If I'm being completely honest, I would let Amelie kill him, just for slapping the child, but if I do that my father is going to kill me.

"If you ever touch a hair on her head, I'll finish the job." She snarls, I feel my magic dance with recognition and I'm sure she does too. "Relax I didn't kill him." She states. I keep my smirk to myself as I play the role of the Prince of Hell.

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