Chapter 24: Don't forget who you are.

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Thanasis takes a deep breath as he passes his fingers nervously through his hair. "I don't have all day." I say deadpan.

"I might as well just be out with it then." He sighs. I wave my hand in the air for him to continue. "So, I am a demon, my real name is Drakon and I'm the son of one of the guards that were sent on Earth to find you." He says as he rubs his hands together anxiously.

"I already knew the first part." I roll my eyes.

"I'm not done." He says through clenched teeth. I just stare at him with a look meant to kill. "When my father found you, the king ordered for someone to guard you at all times, but they couldn't do that without alarming your parents or the humans in your entourage, so my father proposed to send a young teenager who was trained as a guard from a young age." He takes a deep breath. "His Majesty found the proposal repulsive, since my father was planning on sending someone else's child to an unknown planet defenseless, therefore separating them from their family, although he agreed with the plan. So, he sent me, since it was my father's idea, on Earth to take care of you. It was supposed to be done secretly and from a distance, I wasn't supposed to talk to you or approach you, but I couldn't stay away." He smiles a lazy and dreamy smile.

"You were so beautiful and kind, and I just had to talk to you." He looks at me with metallic eyes full of longing. "You were so innocent, you had no clue about what awaited you, you had no clue that you were going to be ripped away from everything you knew shortly after you turned eighteen, and I just had to help you live whilst you still could. I took it upon myself to make sure that your years on Earth were going to be full of fun and joyful memories. So, I went against my direct orders and I befriended you. When the Devil found out, he nearly killed me." He takes a deep shaken breath. "The only reason he didn't, was because it would've been alarming to the humans and my father had just been promoted to captain of the guard, because of finding you, so he did it as a favor to my dad. The parents you met, they were actors, they weren't real, you haven't met my father yet, luckily for you, he's a cruel man with a heart as cold as ice." His eyes turn into tiny slits as he thinks about his father.

"I knew that when your eighteenth birthday would approach, I would have to disappear so I wouldn't get between you and the Prince. I knew he was on Earth; I had seen him that day in the coffee shop, I had sensed his immense and dark power, the Satanic magic. The one that draws humans in and the one that make demons run for the hill." That explains Tristan's behaviour. "That reminded me that what we couldn't have lasted for forever. Therefore, nine months before you turned eighteen, I broke up with you with the fake yet real pretense, that my father closed his case."

I feel realization hit me like a truck. "The case, it was me, wasn't it?" I ask incredulous and he nods. It all makes sense now. I feel so stupid for not understanding it sooner, but then again, I've had a lot on my mind for the past two days.

"When I came back to Hell, they had a guard position open, and I took it." He says.

"I see. Is that why you were so distant when I told you I liked you, because you were scared of the Devil and Christopher?"

"Yeah." He sighs.

"Oh." I lean back against the couch and look at nothing in particular.

"I know it's a lot, I just didn't want you to think that I was lying to you and using you. I loved you- I still do." He says softly.

We sit in awkward silence for a few minutes, so I can process all this new information. "Do- do you still love me?" He asks hopefully.

"No." I say immediately and without thinking twice. "I wish I could say otherwise, but I think I'm developing feelings for someone else. I'm sorry." Did I just admit that to myself? Oh god. No. No. No.

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