Chapter 21: New information

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"As much as I would love to know why you lied to me for three years and a half, I have other matters to attend to." I smirk as I shove him off me and head for my room. Christopher sent me the directions visually through the bond, so now walking around this massive castle feels a lot more natural and less confusing.

"Amy." I continue walking, ignoring him, if he talks any louder and alerts his Prince, then that's on him. "Amelie, please." He grabs my wrist and as expected I turn around, I get lost in his metallic eyes, and he gets lost in my now red ones. I go in for a kiss and as he closes his eyes, I kick his shin hard enough for him to lose his balance and stumble away from me.

"I don't know if you realized, but when someone walks away from you, it normally means that they're not interested in hearing what you have to say." I state as I cross my arms over my chest and keep my chin up high as he gets up and stares at me apprehensively.

"When did you become so... violent?" He mumbles.

"Since my eighteenth birthday." I say plainly as I turn on my heels and walk away, not giving him a chance to answer me.

"That was two weeks ago!" He yells from where he's still standing.

I look over my shoulder and grin wickedly, "Too much has happened in those two weeks, and I suggest you move from where you're standing."

"What why-"

The doors to the living room burst open and I sigh, "I warned you." Christopher, in all his possessive and jealous glory is standing in the middle of the entrance, wings open and eyes orange and red, panting. He takes a step towards my ex-boyfriend, who builds a wall of ice between the two.

"You do realize I'm your prince, right?" Christopher chuckles and melts the wall instantly. Thanasis looks at me with a pleading look, I sigh and put up my hand, ordering Chris to stop.

Christopher. I warn.




CHRISTOPHER. I scream loud enough for him to cringe from the pain.

Please? He begs.

No. I say viciously.

Ugh fine. He sighs defeated.

I turn to walk away and stop abruptly in my tracks. Let. Him. Go. I snarl.

How did you-

Mate's intuition. Now let him go. I hear a thud from behind me and I nod as I continue walking.


"It's not even lunch time for God's sake." I mumble as I run a hand through my hair, I can't keep the smile off my face as I go to open the door, nap-time, it's nap-time Amelie, you deserve it.

I stop abruptly in my tracks when I start hearing voices coming from inside the room.

Where are you? Maybe it's Chris, he has the ability to teleport so maybe he got here before me.

Tristan's room, why?

I'll tell you after, don't even mutter a sound until I tell you that you can, understood? I whisper, even though no one can hear us. Now that I think of it, that's kind of stupid, oh well it was instinct.

Of course, Princess.

My eyes dart all around the hallway, checking for any sign of life, remember Amelie, you're not immortal yet. Once I'm sure there's no one who will see what I'm doing, I press my ear to the door, gently as to not make a sound.

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