Chapter 35: Maybe I do have a heart after all.

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Christopher's POV

She's gone.

My anchor to reality. The one person keeping me from breaking, is gone.

"Um what just happened?" Tristan asks, mouth wide open revealing all the contents in it.

"She left." I rasp as her magical chains disappear.

"We didn't even get to know who would win." He complains.

"It would have been a tie." Lona says as she slowly gets up to approach me.

"How do we know that?" Her mate responds. I keep staring at the spot where she was mere moments ago. Her touch still lingers on my cheek like a warm ray of sunshine on a sunny day on Earth.

I have to be strong. Keep the façade of the broody emotionless King.

Keep it on a little longer.

"Their powers are one in the same." She answers. I feel a soft hand on my shoulder. "She left for a good reason." She says softly.

"Yeah, to heal." Little did she know I was breaking as well.

"Not entirely." She smirks at me through the mirror.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I growl.

"You see, a future version of me came to provide me with valuable information. Your princess didn't leave to heal, she left to end the rebellion. I lied before, that version of myself that you saw came to tell me to leave her be so she can do what has to be done."

"What?" I ask gruffly.

"What did you say to her before she announced she wanted to go?" She asks, giving me a sly smile.

I try to rake through our conversation, my rant more precisely, "I told her that I couldn't feel Edward in Hell."

"So why do you think she wants to go to Earth?" Drakon asks, already knowing the answer but playing along anyway.

"To find him and kill him." I smirk. What a conniving scheming girl.

She's smart, I'll give her that.

"Isn't that stupid and dangerous?" Tristan asks, finally reading the room.

"It is. But she can defend herself better than anyone I know. The exception being her mate, of course." She smiles down at me.

You are a sly thing. I laugh through our minds.

Why whatever do you mean? She drawls lazily.

You could've told me the truth, you know. I add a little laugh at the end.

You wouldn't have let me leave.

You're right, I wouldn't have. Be careful.


See you when you get back.

See you tonight, is what I hope you really mean. I can practically sense her beautiful smirk.

I beg your pardon?

I've grown accustomed to sleeping in the same bed as you, per say. I can't hide the smile that makes it's way onto my face.

So have I, princess. So have I.

One more thing, if I want my plan to work, we have to give people their memories of me back.

As much as I would like to, I don't know how. Besides, you saw how much pain Tristan went through. Inflicting that on thousands of people... I don't know if I can. I'm not powerful enough. I sigh through the bond.

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