Chapter one

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I woke up and looked next to me to find Sizwe Dlomo sleeping like a dead man. I guess the sleeping pills that I grind in his food are now kicking in. I slowly got up not by choice because of all the bruises that my body has endured. I walked slowly and got to the closet and wore my black track suits and took the bag full of money that I stole in his vault. I don't know how much it is but I know that its will serve a purpose for the new journey that ill embark on. Placed the back pack on my back and took the bag of clothes and tip toed out of the bedroom. With my box of jewelry to sell just if things gets tough. I took 3 steps and stop to hear if his still dead than walk another 3 steps and wait. When I finally made it outside the house without any hiccups, I ran to the nearest engine garage and request an uber to take me to Umalazi to the guy kwa V who was selling his Tazz for 20 thousand that I have been withdrawing with amounts of 5 thousand a day from my card. Sizwe has been coming home asking what I use the money for and I have been showing him the same Victoria Lengerie for the past four days. Uber came and my driver was chatty but my heart was ponding so loud I thought it might explode. We finally got there and I paid and called the guy and he came out. I told him ill fetch the car late. It was now close to midnight.
Guy: Manje my sister uyabalekha yini( so are you running away?) I Just stared at him and give him his last envelope of 10 thousand and he gives me the car keys. I get in and drive off. I get to Mega city and add petrol then drive off to Umthwalume. I ditch my phone there then get into the car and get to N2 driving to Johannesburg. Its the only place where I knew is big enough to hide me cause Durban is too small for Sizwe and I in less than 2 days he would have found me.

I woke up with a banging headache and looked at the clock near me and it was 10. The side of my bed was cold. I guess my wife is making breakfast. I went into the shower and bathed and wore my black suit and went to check my messages one of my girlfriend has called while I was in the shower so I called her back.
Her: Baby.. she answered after a second ring and I walked to the kitchen while I was speaking to my girl telling her what dirty things ill be doing later on. To my surprise I found the kitchen empty.
Me: Buka baby sokhuluma later khona into efuna me manje( look baby we will talk later, something needs my attention) I hung up and looked around to find the house empty. That little bitch is nowhere and she never told me anything. I called her and her phone kept on ringing. I went to the bedroom check my I pad to get her location and its says Umtwalume. Who the fuck dose she knows there. This girl better not be messing with me. I pray on her mother grave that she not or she will follow her.

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