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We drove into his house, well I thought this house was better than the last. It had a long drive and a big yard. The front wall was clear white bricks than the rest was brown. It had big window, the garage doors were beyond huge. He parked in front of the little patio and walked around to come get my door. I got out and walked into the most simple yet classic lounge. He let me walk around the house. From the outside it looked like a big house but in actuality it wasn't. There was a huge lounge which was decorated with red carpets. Silver coffee table. The black huge tv screen occupied the white wall and the couch was leather and "U" shaped. From the lounge you could see the dinning are that was huge with just an oak dinning suite and white walls with a huge chandelier in the middle. On one end they was a sliding door taking you to a patio and pool area. The kitchen was spotless and had the smeg white gas stove and latest appliances. The kitchen was Auburn green with charcoal tops. Had white bar stools here and there. I walked up to the stairs and upstairs they was a study room full of books. One empty room next to it filled with boxes Opposite it was a bathroom. Then a guest room was very colorful but the bed wasn't made. I wonder who was using it. I walked into the master bedroom and it was so clean. It was clear white walls with a black bed set. They was a huge Tv on one wall. I opened the closet and it was huge. Right at the corner I saw a few of my clothes. I walked to the en suite bathroom and it was breath taking with the shower that had a full shower head. It must feel like being in the rain with that shower. I walked out to go down stairs and found Akani with a whole bunch of men by the lounge. I stood at the edge of the steps because I wasn't expecting this. Just before I could turn to go back up he calls me to him.I walked towards him.
Akani: This is the team which will make sure you are safe. Team this is Salinda. Everyone mumbled something, i just smiled and waved at them. Akani moved us to the kitchen.
Akani: Are you good? He asked with so much concern written on his face.
Me: Yes am good, I think ill lay down a bit. Its all just too much to swallow right now. He nodded and I walked to his room. Undressed and wore one of my sleeping T-shirts and got on the bed and slept.

Salinda looked so frail. I walked back to the team.
Me: Thank you guys, you will use the pool house and will work out the shifts amongst yourselves but Salinda needs to be safe. I want the whole house and yard monitored. I have cameras in the house when am away ill keep an eye on things when am at work. Someone make sure Zumbu comes to my study when he gets here. They turned and left. I went to the kitchen to start on dinner something light.

I was having late lunch with my baby brother and older one.When the call came through from Oscar.
Oscar: Just letting you know that we found her house but to our surprise they is another chick living there but her car is still outside am not sure she has a Roommate or not. But according to the files I have on her, she doesn't look like a roommate type.
Ray: Find her. Meantime send me all her information so I can meet this woman who has Mr Dhlomo losing his marbles.
Oscar: Sure case ill send it to you right now and her pictures.
Ray: In the next hour when you call I hope it will be  news in regards to you finding her.
Oscar: Yes. I hang up and went to the table to finish my lunch.

I was driving like a maniac to Mr khuzwayo house. He wont believe what I have just found out. I got there and found my guys posted, took the file and walked into the house to find him in his study. The house was filled with a food aroma. I guess he has just cooked. I knocked and walked in, he was in a business call so I walked to the guest room that I always use when here. Got in the shower and came out and changed. Did the bed and walked downstairs to the basement office. This is where we talk about our dealings. The study is more for the real world business. A few minutes after Iv been there he walks in looking all serious. Sometimes this man scares me. As much as he is a friend and a brother to me but Iv seen him do unimaginable things. I hand him the file to read because they was no way I could explain this to him.

I took the file and read through it for sometime and I got a shock of my life. I took the phone and dialed the secretary of defense and he picked up on the fourth ring.
Me: So when were you going to tell me that she is Denisovich daughter?
Secretary of defense: who? What are you on about?
Me: Salinda Kretzia Smith married to Sizwe Dhlomo daughter of the late Lindakhuhle Ngcobo father unknown. Miss lindakuhle Ngcobo worked as a domestic worker for the Smith family in 1994 where she later reported that she was raped by they guest at that time. A case was opened where the investigators found the guest to be Mr Kruvichi Denisovich were the file later disappeared making it impossible to make any arrests. Miss Ngcobo later gave birth to two beautiful twin babies a boy and a girl. They were some complications with the pregnancy resulting in her passing away 3 days after giving birth. She has named her baby girl Salinda krutzia Ngcobo and Simlinde krutze Ngcobo. Who were adopted by the smith family. When the Smiths died in a car accident the kids were 2 years old. The aunt took the baby girl with her on learning that she is family but leaving the boy up for adoption. Now tell me what I have just read is not true?
Secretary of defense: This intel changes everything. Have you found the girl?
Me: You haven't answered my question sir.
Secretary of defense: Khuzwayo I have intel that says that the Denisovich brothers are meeting and Mr Denisovich is on his way to the country. I was about to call you when you called. You need to find that girl and you need to find her fast. Because things are about to get ugly. This information also explains why Sizwe Dhlomo has a whole army that was reported to be in Johannesburg.
Me: I have the girl and she is here as we speak.
Secretary of defense: Am sending your "A"team because things are about to get me..... there was a huge explosion and I felt my body flying to the wall and it was light out for me.

I woke up to guns shots and screaming and fire. I got up and ran to the closet. I ran to my side of things and searched for my gun. I found it in my bag. Loaded it. I took my black boots and wore them. I didn't care that I was only wearing a T-shirt and panty no bra. I moved around searching for something else that I can use in the closet and found a safe. Pity I don't know the combination. I walked to the bedroom an opened the drawer and found nothing. My mind was in fight mode. Ill fight my way out of here and am going to run for my dear life it time I leave this country. Am not sure how but am leaving. I slowly moved out of the door. I walked at the passage checking all the upstairs room for Akani. I got to his study and it was on fire. The books were catching on fast. I opened his drawers and found an envelope opener and right under the desk two guns were taped there. I slowly removed them. I checked the other drawers and found a thigh gun holder. I strapped it tight and put one gun there and carried the two guns in my hands. I slowly moved out and walked towards the stairs. I heard a few footsteps. I stood there breathing and next minute I heard gun shots. I started shooting at everyone that was shooting at me. Bodies were falling down like apples falling off a tree on a windy day. More men kept coming in and the more I aimed and shoot. Someone shot my shoulder and the bullet gazed through scaring me and making me lose my gun. I crouched down in pain behind the couch. I took the envelope opener and cut through my T-shirt and wrapped it on my shoulder. Before I knew it someone grabbed my hair and pulled me off from my hiding place. I screamed and kick to no avail. I took a few breaths than aimed for they sheen and he let go of me. I rolled my neck and got ready for a fight of my life. He got up.
Guy: You bitch... He ran towards me and I moved to the side and kicked him straight into the wall. I quickly ran to the kitchen an open the drawers and took two pans. I cant really fight with my fist now they just to small and these guys are huge. Just than walked in one of the guys iv seen Sizwe talk to multiple of times when I used to go to his office.
Guy: Make my job easy Mrs Dhlomo and come in peace.
Me: why can't he leave me the fuck alone. I screamed 2 more guys walked in. Good thing they weren't shooting cause than ill b dead meat. I threw the kettle at one of them.
Guy: you out numbered, come along. We not going to harm you.
Me: Than what you call this? I pointed around the house and at my shoulder. He ran for me from one side and another ran from the other side and the third guy pointed a gun at me. When he was about to hold me I threw the pan at the guy who was pointing the gun at me and swing around and hit the guy who tryin to hold me with the other pan of hot sauce that was on the counter and he screamed. The other guy tried to hold me but I saw him and moved fast aiming to his head. He went down like a sack of potatoes. I was left with the ugly looking guy. He tried to punch me and I opened the fridge and he banged his hand while he was screaming in pain I took a pot and banged it on his head. He went down. I quickly ran out of the kitchen and just as i was about to reach the sliding door something sting my neck. I turned around and found the ugly guy smiling. And it was light out for me...

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