Chapter 11

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I finished up with my work and just when I was about to leave Mr Giba assistant poked her head in.
Her: he wants to see you before you leave. I nodded and made my way to him after packing my bag. I knocked and went in to find him still content in his office as if his not going anywhere any time soon
Me: you asked to see me sir?
Mr Giba: Yes please sit down. I went and sat crossing my legs. " The reason I called you here is to discuss Mr Khuzwayo account" he looked tight into my eyes for a moment than relaxed back to his chair.
Mr Giba: iv been observing you the past few months and you have some brains in that pretty head of yours. He tried to smile but it looked weird on him. The thing about Mr Giba, he is a smart man and makes it a point to let everyone in the room know that no one is smarter than him. He also has a big ego and is very stubborn. Am even surprised that he allowed me to do the presentation yet alone lead the account.
Me: Thank you sir.
Mr Giba: Not a compliment but anyways Now this is your first account I want you to let me in on every step or decisions you make. My door is forever open and dont think you got this account due to your hard work, which is very much appreciated but it because man like Khuzwayo will rather be stuck with a beauty than an old grizzly bear like me. I looked at him with so much distaste but that didnt affect him nor bother him.
Mr Giba: I hope your morning is cleared and you made an appointment to see him first thing in the morning since when you walk in those doors, i want good news or you can kiss your job goodbye. Are we clear Miss Smith?
Me: crystal clear sir.
Mr Giba: iv sent you an email of ideas that you can squeeze in your project and pitch to him tomorrow, make use of it. Good evening Miss smith. I guess i was dismissed. I took my things and left feeling a bit defeated. Having a boss like Mr Giba can be exhausting at times but what he lacks in personality he sure knows how to pay us. I drove home and saw a black jeep by the drive way and I knew my Gangster brother Ray was in town. I parked and made my way in to a house filled a cooking aroma.

Somewhere in a Hotel
I got dressed in my gown and ordered room service. Than went to the bed to wake up the girl I picked up from the mall earlier on so she can be on her way home.
Me: Isabella.. she moaned in her sleep and I yanked the blanket. " up you go, take a shower and eat and go" she looked at me.
Isabella: I thought am spending the night.
Me: you thought wrong now go. I took my lighter and cigar to stood by the balcony and smoked as I looked out at the busy streets of Sandton and people all dolled up for the night. Am going to enjoy Johannesburg.

As I drove in I saw the guys car in my parking lot and knew they have made themselves home. This is exactly what I needed after my long day. I walked in to a house filled with a welcoming cooking Aroma. I walked to the kitchen to find the guys busy eating and drinking and the conversation was lively.
Me: Evening, I see yourl have made yourself home.
Simo:Yep and we cooked, Nokuhle has me in a diet and I just cant anymore. We laughed since Simp needed a Diet anyways.
Me: yourl need to start contributing to my monthly groceries than since half of it is half way through your belly.
Simo: Am way ahead of you man.Mzo showed me the now filled cabinets. I dished out for myself and ate while enjoying the conversation with the guys.
Mzo: So you meet up with Salinda? The room was silent
Mpendulo: Yayi uyababa loyo muntu ngathi ngashesha ngafuna Mbalo( that girl is hot, i made my choice early with Mbali)Mzo threw a scatter cushion at him since we now in the lounge drinking a few beers
Me: How you know?
Mzo: bra when you married your wife comes homes and spills the beans about everything, from her day at work to her conversation with the girls. Apparently Salinda told her that she was shocked to have you at her work and now you her client and she is nervous since she had the hots for you. That stopped my drinking
Me: she told Zee she has the hots for me? Those her words not Zee words?
Mzo: you know my wife what do you think? We all laughed since we know how hyper she gets when it involves me and a potential or a single person. Ever since iv known her she been thriving for me to date or to meet someone.
Mpendulo: Ngempela what your deal ngaye vele? ( seriously what with you?) trust Mpendulo to stick his nose right in.
Me: what do you mean?
Mpendulo: It been over a year and you havnt made your move, yini usaba ukushela or awusakwazi vele?( are you afraid to ask her out or you have lost your touch)
Sya: ay sono side lesikathi nidlala uhide and seek( it a pitty, its been awhile since you are busy with your hide and seek)
Mzo: more like u runnaway njalo you run when you hear she at my place, its starting to look creepy.( it has been awhile since yourl at it with this hide and seek but mostly you hiding)
Mpendulo: or Ugay mshana? ( or are you gay) that caused them all to laugh
Me: fusegani yezwa, angikho gay it just that angazi ngithini kuye( get lost, am not gay, i just dont know what to say)
Mpendulo:aay besesithi uphenduke Usom som( ay we thought you went all somizi )
Me: ubani manje loyo( who that?) they all laughed so hard.
Mzo: ay ngeke ndoda, thola umuntu awumazi usomgaga( no ways bra, you need a person, you dont know somgaga)
Simo:woooooooh shem. He screamed and They all laughed.
Me: now yourl sounding gay.
Mzo: bra when you have a woman in your life you know everybody. Yazi sengabukela nama drag queen.( i even watch drag queens) they all laughed
Simo: nawe ubuka uRaupaul( you also watch Raupaul) they laughed nodding
Sya: I thought I was the only one going through the most with this gender kanti nani nilapho. ( we all in it together) the laughed drinking and I was now completely lost. They looked at me and laughed they heads off.
Mpendulo: one day my brother this conversation will make sense to you. Mzo changed the channel to to dstv catch up and went to some program
Mzo: This is what we talking about Mshana. He pressed play and a show played. I looked at them all content and watching the show with all interest. I cannot wait to be at a place where I enjoy my woman shows as much as they are right now. To share things as simple as Tv programs. I walked to the kitchen to go get us some more beers and chips and dips.

My phone rang and I checked to see who calling and the number was blocked. I answered on the third ring.
Voice: Thank you for answering your phone saving me the time to come down there to see you in person.
Me: who is this?
Voice: call me a friend.
Me: okay "friend" what do you want?
Voice: I believe we both have a mutual interest at this present moment.
Me: which is?
Voice: You want your money and I want the person that has your money frozen dead. I was silent for sometime comprehending what he is saying.
Me: So you know who has my accounts frozen?
Voice: How about you come to Johannesburg in 2 weeks time and Ill have all the answers that you need and we can come to and understanding of how we might help each other out?
Me: If you know that my accounts a frozen,you will also know why I left Johannesburg.
Voice: I can help with that, ill send a car. Wait for my call. He hung up before I could get his name. I jumped up and punched the air. Looks like the Gods are with me again. Salinda am coming for you my dearest and you will wish you were dead.

(Somewhere in a hotel in Sandton)
I placed my phone down and smile as my plan of avenging my brother is coming to place. Akani khuzwayo/ ghost wont know what got him. I dialed my boys number.
Me: Make sure you follow him around 24/7 and let me know if anything changes in his routine starting tomorrow.
My guy: yes boss
Me: Good. I hang up with a smile thinking all my hard work is about to pay off. Akan khuzwayo/ghost took everything from me. He killed my brother and chopped him into pieces and gave his body to his boss as proof as to no one steps in his territory. This destroyed my family since my brother was the only one who brought money in at home and was paying for my studies. My mother died from depression of not knowing where her beloved son was. I nearly dropped out of university but I was lucky enough to have my brother gang support me. They gang leader treated me as his son until cancer took him away leaving everything to me. I now have power, money and the whole number of gangs in capetown that want ghost dead. It took me years to find this ghost until it struck me that the person who can walk me right into him is his right hand man Akani khuzwayo. Little did I know that ill later find out that he was the man himself. It all happened when I was following one of his brothers that we overhead a conversation they were having and it all made sense. The tricky part in killing this man is no one could get close to him since he has ears everywhere, worse that bodyguard of his is forever around. I dont dont want to shoot him nor do I want anyone else to touch him. I want to kill him with my bear hands the same way he killed my brother. Now let the games begin let see who will live between a ghost and an actual living person who ain't hiding behind a mask of being invisible.I smiled as Sizwe was just the little distraction I needed since iv noticed his interest in this Sizwe character.

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