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I woke up to find myself in a hospital bed. I closed my eyes as I tried to remember how I ended up in here. I remember Sizwe pointing a gun at me and I was telling him to shoot me. Next thing I know he was shot on his right shoulder than it got blank and I woke up here in this bed. Am mot sure if his dead? I don't even know who shot him? Oh no what if am not safe in here? What if the same people who shot Sizwe are here and holding me hostage? But hostage for what because Sizwe is the only person I know? Or who would fight for my freedom. I closed my eyes just not wanting to get up since am scared of what going to happen if I do. I heard footsteps coming in and I heard someone move towards my bed. They just stood there and I could feel they eyes watching me and I did my best trying to be calm and not move. I heard another set of footsteps these ones were heavier.

I walked into Salinda room an found the Denisovich youngest son standing there. The resemblance was to great. I now have no doubt that they are twins.
Me: Hi
Krutze: Hi am krutze
Akani: Pleasure to meet you. I shake his hand after placing the things I got for her since she being discharged later today.
Krutze: You must be wondering who I am. He rubbed his head and shifted a bit.
Me: Nope am not I know you and your reasons of why you are here. He looks at me so shocked.
Krutze: Does she know?
Me: Nope I haven't gotten an opportunity to let her know yet.She been through a lot.
Krutze: I know, I just wanted to see her.
Me: understandable. We stood there in silence for awhile looking at Salinda sleeping so peacefully.
Krutze: She looks at peace and she is beautiful. I nodded and kept my mouth shut.

I woke up to a room that had a small bed on one corner and it was beyond filthy. My whole body pained. They really did a number one me after shooting me and then beating the shit out of me. He even had divorce papers drawn up and made me sign them. If I survive this ill make Salinda pay for getting her goons do this to me. For shooting me and for all the pain they causing me. I tried to move but pain made me paralyzed beyond words. I sat there trying to breathe as it was very difficult to even do so. I lay there trying my best to not let the pain get to me but it was unbearable. Tears slowly went down my face as I thought of all the things that iv done in my life. If this is God way of punishing me than I surrender because I cant take it no more.
I woke up to find the two guys looking at me. I shifted and Akani Helped me move into a sitting position. And just then the doctor came and they left the room as he checked me.
Doctor: You going to be fine you just need a few days to heal. Ill discharge you but also give you a few meds to help with the pain. I nodded as he left the room. I turned to the new guy that was in the room. I studied him for some time and I must say he looked like me. He had my nose and eyes and was the same height as me.
Me: you look familiar. He laughed nervously and moved to my side of the bed.
Him: Hi
Me: how are you?
Him: good and yourself?
Me: good. They was awkward silence and I saw Akani just leaning at the wall with his hands in his pocket.
Me: So you are? I quietly asked and he laughed nervously.
Him: Simlinde krutze Denisovich but I go by krutze.
Me: pleasure to meet you. I gave him a hand to shake and he did. The minute our hands touch my heart was beating so fast that I had a flash back to the time when I was sitting on a hospital bench outside the corridor and was holding a teddy in my hand and next to me was a little boy my age and he was holding my hand as we both waiting. I blinked as tears were running down my face.Am really not sure why am crying but Akani was next to me in a minute.
Akani: You good? I nodded with my head because talking was very difficult. Krutze was now blinking away his tears.
Me: I dont know if it weird for me to ask you if you could just come hug me. I was looking at krutze and he nodded and we hugged. The most comforting hug iv ever had in my life. Yes I never trusted me but this one felt familiar. I felt safe in his arms like he would protect me. Somehow i felt connected to him in ways that I couldnt understand nor explain.

I stood there and watched them hug for what felt like years. I guess even when you dont know your twin your body remembers. It felt akward standing there so i left the room to go make a call.
Zumbu: sure?
Me: Was just checking if you have started extracting information and has he signed?
Zumbu: Yes he signed the divorce papers and we haven't done anything after as he was weak.we will try in a week time but for now we dealing with Tk boys they searching for him and causing distraction where ever they go.
Me: Alright handle that while I take her to my house. That where she will be staying until all this mess is sorted out.
Zumbu: Sure boss will do. Mbali and Zindani have been banging at her door. Do you think I should fill them in.
Me: You can. But no visitors for now plus she just meet krutze and am not even sure to tell her who he is.
Zumbu: Give her time to adjust to what happen to her first.
Me: okay bye. I walked back in to find them laughing about something. She really does look beautiful. She looked my way and shy away looking the other way.

1 year later
Its been a year since the whole ordeal of Sizwe who I later found out that he served me with signed divorce papers. Which than turned out that he signed half of his things over to my name which was a surprise. I moved in to Akani house after my ordeal that resulted in Akani shooting him after he found me which till today he couldn't explain how he found me. The past year has been challenging in so many ways. Iv learnt Sizwe have disappeared on the face of earth and that doesnt sit well with me as much as Akani has always been there for me in a way but still its gives me no peace that he is running lose. In all this iv learnt that I have a father who had to run off to Russia due to reasons I dont know. I stay in a house with my two brothers that I adore kruzte and Cruise. Ray well his in and out of South Africa. They spoil me rotten and I must say iv never felt so safe in my life. I now work at a big accounting firm thanks to Cruise and my Twin brother is a big shot lawyer. Its been 8 months since iv heard from Akani who really was a big part of my life and getting me on my feet. He has disappeared on the face of the earth.Mbali,Zindani and I have been the best of friends and I must say they made life bearable. The Dhlomo family have been harassing me saying I killed they child and took his money which is not true. I got out of bed and wore my gown and got downstairs to find a fresh coffee pot. I poured myself some coffee and stood there drinking it while watching the birds go on with they business. When I was done I went to shower for work, I had an important client meeting at 10 that my boss wants me to sit on in. I knocked on kruzte door while going to the bathroom to wake him up. I got to bathroom and began getting ready for work.

Its been the most challenging year. After the whole Sizwe Saga iv been trying to leave the organization but the secretary of defense hasnt been welcoming to that idea. After we got all the information that we needed from Sizwe we found out we had a mole in our group that helped Sizwe escape a high secured location till this day he hasnt been found and its been 8 months. I havnt seen Salinda in 8 months although I trust the Denisovich family to keep her safe. I got ready for my meeting then went downstairs wearing my silver suit and brown shoes. I got in my car and drove to Accounting spirts LTd. I got in at the receptionist.
Receptionist: Good morning Sir
Me: morning am here for the 10 oclock with mr Giba. She checked the dairy and walked in-front of me shaking her ass. We got to the boardroom and she opened the door for me.
Receptionist: Make yourself at home and feel free to the refreshments. And she left. I got myself water and checked my emails and after awhile the door opened and Mr Giba came.
Mr Giba: Thank you for joining us,give me a few minute am waiting for Miss Smith to join us. I nodded and just than she walked in wearing a red pencil skirt. White shirt neatly tucked in and wearing gold studs and red lipstic. Her boobs formed a perfect V on her chest with a silver neck piece. She looked breath taking and ravishing. She looked at me all shocked and shy. My heart caught up in my throat and all I could do was to just stand there and admire her beauty. She truly was breathtaking.

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