Chapter 8

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I woke up to so many thoughts running through my mind. Cannot believe that dad lied all my life. Am a product of rape. Rape out if all things my dad could have done, he raped a woman. I took my phone out and searched my sister on facebook and went through her pictures. She truly was beautiful. My brother Chris walked in.
Chris: You up. He checked me over and looked at me with pity. " Hy I know this isn't the life you envisioned for yourself and I know you might be having issues with how you were born but you still one of us and we love you" we hugged and I really got emotional. The one thing I love with Chris is how he made it a point to take care of my emotional wellbeing and Ray was more of a physical enforcer. I knew exactly which brother to go to if I had a problem. I also kinda get it why Chris decided to stay so far from dad. We really are a broken home and to think we about to bring in another soul into this mess.

Its been a week since my abduction and I still haven't seen a soul. Yes at first I liked it but now it feels like am in prison. I walked around the room thinking my options. This not knowing who kidnapped you is weighing on my soul. What if they asking Sizwe for something,thinking am an assets to find out that I am not. Life is really cruel to me. That man will tell them to kill me before he even gives them anything that they ask for. Dear lord why was I sold to a monster? What did I do to deserve this? If my mom is in heaven isn't she looking out for me letting you know that am her child? I sunk down against the wall as tears were rolling down my face in frustration as all my days and months of torture came crashing down on me. Draining me of the little energy I have.

I woke up preparing for my big day. Iv sent all the money that the Denisovich family asked me to clean and took my cut. I took a shower and wore my jeans and a white Polo golf shirt. Wore my white adidas and drove to my private jet. Got to Johannesburg around noon and ordered food to take as a take away. I got us sushi and wine. The driver took me to Soweto and found the house highly secured. I got in and greeted TK.
Tk: You finally blessed us with your presence
Sizwe: I had to finish up some things before I can really leave Durban hand over things you know.
Tk: I see, well your wife hasn't given me any problems. And thank you for your payment.
I smiled and walked in with my food. I checked my phone to see what she doing and she was sitting by the couch watching something intensely. I unlock the door and walk in. She doesn't even look up. I walk in to the kitchen and took out the plates and set up for eating than walked back to the lounge and found her still watching the news on business talk and still not noticing my presence.

I saw Sizwe walk in and I calmed myself and pretended that I didn't see him. Can my day get any worse.He went to the kitchen with take aways and set up. He must be mad thinking ill eat whatever he brought for me. I kept calm and continued to watch the news without really watching it. He walked closer and touched my shoulder and I jumped.
Sizwe: Hi
Me: Hi. We both stared at each other for awhile.
Sizwe: I brought sushi for you. He smiled
Me: No thanks, iv already eaten. I played with my fingers this is the first time in years since I spoke back to him. He looked at me than smiled and moved to the table.
Sizwe: Come eat Salinda. I moved to the table and sat opposite him. "How have you been?"
Me: good and you?
Sizwe: Good. He poured wine in a glass sipped and poured more and passed it to me. He pour some for him too. I just stared at the glass. " so let catch up a bit" he says while dipping his sushi in the sauce . I just stare at him not moving at all. I studied him and his face all calm, usually this is his demeanor before all hell breaks lose. I really didn't want to be surprised.

The "A" team and I drove out to Soweto. We heard that Sizwe is here and we knew his going to fetch Salinda. If he gets there than that will be the end of us ever seeing him because his been making arrangements and shifting power in his organization meaning his leaving the country. We drove out with the plan to eliminate everyone there apart Sizwe and Salinda. Sizwe needs to pay for his sins and Salinda well she and I have unfinished business that ill like to explore.

I sat there watch him take a few more bites.
Sizwe: Eat Salinda
Me: Am really not hungry Sizwe
Sizwe: doesn't matter indulge me. I took a sip of wine and smiled. He smiled back and relaxed.
" was I really that bad that you had to run away?" Now i didnt expect that.
Me: excuse me?
Sizwe: I mean I gave you all your heart desires and treated you like a queen, so I want to know where I went wrong?
Me: Sizwe are you seriously asking me this? I looked at him and he smiled at me. He smiled that smile that gives me the creeps. And right than it dawn to me that Sizwe will never change. He is evil and will always be evil. He knew what hell he has brought in my life and yet he wants me to relive my moments just as a reminder of what he is capable off. It clicked in my mind right than that I had to take matters into my hands. I need to gain back my power of mind, soul and not let him torment me anymore. I took a bite from the sushi in his plate.
Me: I don't know Sizwe, maybe its how you threw me on the wall for over cooking the rice. Or maybe it was how you had sex with me when I didn't want too. Oh not to forget the countless times you were fucking around and even fucking girls in the next room in my house and make me wash the sheets. Not to forget how I told you I was pregnant and you told me to abort and I didn't and you put meds in my food resulting in an abortion. Do I need to carry on telling you what an amazing husband you have been? Or are you satisfied with what Iv said so far?. They was silence in the room. I was trying to be calm but all my years of pain and torments was now rushing in on me making me boil with anger. He looked at me and laughed. Really laughed out hard.
Sizwe: Maybe I would have treated you better if you would have never played me. He spat out with so much anger
Me: When? How? If that what makes you sleep at night than Good for you Sizwe because lord knows iv only been with you, never slept with anyone but you, never loved anyone but you. Iv cared for you even when you crushed my bones with a bat just for being 5 minute late. 5 minute that you later saw I was held up by the traffic officer, was i suppose to say Dont stop me my husband will bash me?. Iv loved you until the words and the feeling itself seemed to be slowly slipping away from me with every time iv landed in hospital. Iv loved you and you saw that and abused my love. You have stripped me of my identity and my self worth. You are no man, you just a shallow man that thinks beating a woman makes them a man. A slap shook me out of my body. I touched where he slapped me and laughed so hard. He than began to hit me countless times. And kicking me and I just couldn't stop laughing. He took out a gun and pointed it at me. I looked at him with so much hate. " go ahead, shoot me so I can be in peace in heaven while you rot in hell for not only shooting me buy for all the horrible things you have done in my life. Shoot me Sizwe" I screamed at him. The gun went off and I closed my eyes as I felt blood on my face.

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