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So I realized a while ago that I never really explained Y/n's backstory, so I wanted to clear it up for you all. 

First of all, her quirk is Electric Control. Your body naturally has an abnormal amount of static electricity built up and you can use that to control things. You usually use it on inanimate objects since it can do severe damage to a victim's body and can fry nerves all through their body. This is due to the electricity having to travel through a person's nervous system to completely control their brain and body.
So now that we've explained your quirk, let's do the backstory!

You didn't always live with Aizawa. Your parents never left you and they were amazing parents. There isn't a day that goes by that you don't think about them, but you blame yourself for their death even though it had nothing to do with you.
Your parents were heroes and you were all one big family, but that family wasn't perfect. When you were 13, your parents started to argue more. You had heard some of the arguments but you never knew why they weren't happy. One day, you got tired of it and ran into the living room where they were arguing... Here's how it went.



"Go to bed, (Y/n). Please." Your mom said.


"Sweetie..." Your parents looked to you and they had a shocked face. "Honey... Stop this..."

You started to cry. Why were they looking at you like you're a villain. They kept their distance while trying to calm you down and you could feel the pent-up energy releasing like you were charging up. Suddenly, the lights exploded. Were you causing this? You didn't care.
You tried to calm down, but you couldn't. What is this feeling? Your parents were yelling and you were glowing. It was enough to see their faces.

"TELL ME WHY! Why. Can't. You. Be. Happy." You flung out a hand and felt the electricity leave your body through your hand and go into your parents.

"We're getting a divorce." They said emotionless. You were controlling them.

"NO!" The energy slowly went back into your body as you fell to the ground. Your parents were stumbling around with headaches. They got a call and had to leave to fight the villains.

You waited hours upon hours and they never came back. You skipped school during those days until All Might knocked on your door.

"Are you the child of (parents names)?" He had a sad expression.

"Y-yes... Are they coming back?" You asked, but you weren't dumb. You knew the answer.

"I'm sorry... They were taken and we just found their bodies... I am so sorry for your loss." You collapsed right there in the doorway. The last thing you said to your parents was during an argument. All Might went out of his muscle mode and went into the house. You were the first to see him normally. He comforted you and took you to an orphanage.

You had stayed in that orphanage until you were 14 and then you left with some trouble kids you became friends with there. You all had met up with a now member of the League of Villains (*cough* Dabi *cough*) and you all ran together. Dabi was a few years older than you all, but you were all great friends. You were the villain kids of the town. The 'monsters' of society. You hung around them while still going to school. Towards the end of middle school, you guys were in a fight with some bullies from your school. You got angry and killed one of those kids. You stood there and came to the realization that you shouldn't be doing these things. They never caught you and you changed your appearance. When it came time to apply for high schools, you chose U.A. You never thought you would get in, but you did. After a while, you were called to go to the school for Entrance Exams and you crushed it. Aizawa also pulled you aside afterwards and explained that he read your file and how you didn't have parents. He had a soft spot for you and Mic had forced him to take you in as his own and you've lived with him ever since.
Katsuki, Deku, and Todoroki are the only ones who know your past since their parents used to be friends with yours and you grew up with the 3 of them until the incident and they never saw you again. They were all grateful to see you in the Exams and to find out that you had made into the Hero Course. You were close with all of the teachers there too, especially All Might who remembered you from that time he met you.
You have PTSD from that night and you're just learning to accept yourself for who you are, U.A. has helped with that experience.

You're flirty and you mess around a lot due to you feeling as though you can't have genuine relationships without hurting others. Shoto has helped you with realizing you can love people and not hurt them which is why you've fallen in love with him. This is why I haven't let you have a relationship until now.

Despite all that, you realize now that the Bakusquad, Class 1-A, Aizawa and Mic, are your family now. You still think about your parents and you want to become a hero for them and get the Happy Ever After that they wanted you to. 

Welp, that's it! I hope you're all staying safe and that you're social distancing. Let's all hope this coronacation ends soon! Well, it's nice outside and I wanna go bike. Also, SELF PLUG! I got a new story up, so if you aren't interested in this now Shoto X Reader... It's a Baku X Reader! It's gonna be great to write and I hope you guys can enjoy it as much as you enjoy this. Enough of that... OUTROOO







Date: April 15, 2020

Word Count: 1012

I'll Always Love You: S. Todoroki X Reader (Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now