Part of the Family

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LOML 😘✌❤



Wanna come visit the family?

lol the family of daddy issues meets with the child with parent issues.

Somehow, even over text
I can still tell when you're being sarcastic.

you know it bby

Yumi made cookies.

be there in 10

I knew you'd say that.
Touya is picking you up.

wait has the trash been taken out?

If you mean Father, he's away on a conference.
He should be back in the morning.

aight then we have til morning.

To do what?

anything lol


a n y t h i n g. p e r i o d t

Alright lol.
See you later babe.

ttyl bby

You logged out.

"THE PARTY IS HERE BITCHESSSS!!" You kicked the door in and walked through. "Sorry... Forgot you were the quiet ones." You rubbed your neck.

"It's okay! Welcome back, (Y/n)" Fuyumi said. 

"Yo! Wassup." Natsuo high-fived you. "Where's Touya?"

Dabi walked in behind you. "Sorry. I had to watch that entrance from behind." He smirked.

"Pervert." You murmured. "I have a boyfriend now!"

Shoto appeared from around the corner and you ran over to him. "That is correct." He smiled.

"Eh? So. It's mindless flirting. I'm not tryna steal my youngest brother's girlfriend." Dabi laughed.

"So. I can stay until the trash come back right? Where's Mama Roki?" You looked around to see your second mother nowhere.

"She was tired and wanted to stay home," Shoto said. "Just the Todoroki kids tonight."

"Aw! I'm a Todoroki kid now?" You laughed.

"Only if you want to be. I doubt you will with you calling Father the 'Trash Man' every time." Shoto replied.

"You right. You right. 😗✌"

"How did you just emoji in real life..." Fuyumi asked.

"I have my ways." You jumped onto the kitchen counter. "What're we gonna do tonight, lads?"

"We have a switch, but Father never lets us play Mario Kart all together ever since we beat him... Wanna play?" Natsuo asked.

"Sure, but I must warn you. I am a G O D at Mario Kart." You smiled. (This is actually true cuz I played it at Gold's house before I got my own switch and I DEMOLISHED my brothers at Mario Kart the first time we played.)

You started to get off the counter, but Shoto quickly picked you up bridal style and carried you to the living room. "LET ME DOWN! I am NOT a child!" You hit him on the chest and he laughed.

I'll Always Love You: S. Todoroki X Reader (Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now