A Title.

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You fell to the floor and screamed. Shoto came running downstairs. "(Y/N)!!"

You pointed to the TV and his face was as white as his hair. "No no NO... NOT AGAIN!! It's ONLY been a few weeks!!" You yelled through your tears.

"Shhh... It's gonna be okay!!" He held you close to him.

"There was a message left in the cell of one of these villains." The reporter said. "And it seems to be directed to the 2nd victim of their kidnapping, (Y/n) Aizawa." Your head snapped up.

"It says: 'You'll pay for this...' Could this be a warning of more tyrants? We'll be back with more information on the case later tonight."

"no... no..." You whispered. "please no..."

"We won't let anyone hurt either of you again, okay?" Shoto said calmly and Bakugou ran downstairs.

"I heard screaming?!" He saw you on the ground and ran over. Shoto explained everything to him.

"I thought... Oh god..." Bakugou looked scared as well. He had told you after it all happened that he had panic attacks a lot since he got kidnapped and that they would be common for you, he didn't want to relive those memories and neither did you.

Aizawa, Mic, and Hawks came running in next. Hawks was the first to speak. "Oh god... I told them not to broadcast this..."

"We need to up security. That note was towards (Y/n) and we all know it." Shoto said.

"T-Tomura..." You murmured. "He's angry at me... You don't want to know what he can do when he's angry..."

"Sweetheart... Has he hurt you before?" Shoto asked quietly.

"No... I've seen him completely disintegrate someone before... Cuz he was mad at Dabi..." You said. "His tantrums are terrifying. You never know who he could kill next. He made Overhaul's ARMS disappear. You all saw that!! He scares me more than anyone there."

"And that was his handwriting..." Hawks whispered. "Tomura wrote that."

"Don't worry... Nobody is gonna be able to come into the dorms and the school is heavily guarded." Aizawa said. "We're gonna do everything we can to help."

"I-I need to go on a walk." You said.

"Not alone, you aren't." Hawks stopped you. "Someone's going with her."

"I can," Bakugou stood up. "I'm the only person who knows how she feels right now."

"If she gets hurt, I will kill you," Shoto said to Bakugou.

"Chill man. She's gonna be okay." Bakugou said before walking outside with you.

"Miss (Y/n)!! Can you answer some questions for us?!" A crowd of people was outside the school, asking you questions. You blocked your face and kept walking, but one question stood out.

"We heard about your affiliation to the villains!! Was all this planned and you're the U.A. traitor?" You turned around quickly.

"How could you possibly think I would inflict trauma on myself?! Get out of my damn face." You said. "I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" They all backed off.

"I can't even go on a damn walk without paparazzi." You murmured.

You and Bakugou walked for a bit before he spoke up. "You do know that you're safe right..?"

"Yeah, but I don't feel safe. I always feel like there's a target on my back and I hate it. I wish that I could just be a student..."

"That's normal... I feel that a lot, but you're stronger than I am! You were friends with these people and they did that to you. That's some serious damage to your mental state, yet you can still walk around and be yourself... This is just one step back and you're gonna end up stepping over it and going back to being the queen of the world." His word comforted you.

"At least you have friends who care. Most of our class didn't care about me all that much when I got kidnapped. Hell, the only person in my 'rescue' team that I was friends with was Kirishima! He had just managed to rope everyone else in my mess." He sighed. "You have Todoroki, me, Deku, the whole 'Bakusquad' and 'Dekusquad'. Everyone likes you and would quite literally die for you."

"Bakugou... Everyone in class cares about you just as much as they care about me... I don't even know how I would be coping with this if you weren't here!" You held his hand. (NOT ROMANTIC!! IT'S LIKE A GIRL HOLDING HANDS WITH HER BEST GIRL FRIEND!!)

"Thanks... You better not tell anyone about me being all soft right now or I'll kill you." He smiled.

"I hope you do. I WANT to die." You both laughed but you weren't joking. The only thing stopping you was Shoto and your friends.

"We should be heading back. It's gonna be dark soon." He said and you turned around.

You felt eyes looking at you so you looked around... You looked up just in time to see a familiar black cloak fade away on top of a building. You gripped on to Bakugou's arm.

You got up in the middle of the night after a nightmare. You decided to go get a drink then go outside for fresh air. After you grabbed your lemonade, you sat outside the dorm building. You heard footsteps and turned in their direction. You dropped your drink and froze.

"Hey there, dollface."





Date: 4/23/20

Word Count: 864

I'll Always Love You: S. Todoroki X Reader (Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now