Someone elses mark

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One year ago 

I'm celebrating the three year aniversary with my boyfriend. 

It's been a year since I first met Jason. 

My boyfriend is walking around humming at a radio-hit, fixing with the food. I can't believe he's acctually excited about this. Maybe things will get better now? 

Lately I've been out less and working more. It makes me tired but he doesn't like me being out. The money is also very alluring. 

So far I've only slept with Jason a few times. It's dangerous in a way I never imagined. I've stopped hooking up with other people; I used to do that lot. It made it hurt less when he got angry, because I knew other people would still want me. Somehow that made it better. 

"Come help out, you lazy slut" he calls but his tone is happy. I smile as I hurry to the counter. He's unboxing a small cake from the supermarket. It looks pretty good. I help him to lift it onto a platter. 

After a whole evening of beer and crap tv, good food and two celebratory blowjobs for him, he sends me to get the cake. I'm acctually content at that moment. If it stays like this I would be happy. 

But that's naive of me. I'm not the lucky type. 

As I lift the platter from the counter I hit my toe on the table leg and the cake slides right out of my hands. It lands with a thup on the floor. His eyes heat up as he yells at me how stuid and useless I am. 

I'm crying and begging for forgiveness but he doesn't care. His hand diggs into my arm and he slams my wrist against the door post, sending rivers of pain up my arm. He's so mad that he kicks me in the stomach until I puke. 

With one last slap at my face he's done and goes to sit down in the couch again. I crawl into the bedroom and try to comfort myself. I can't sleep so I'm very aware when he comes to lie down after taking a piss. I barely sleep anyhting at all that night. 

During school I'm so tired that I sleep through most of my classes, but it's not really a nice place to rest. At lunch I wander off, too bored to stay. 

I wind up at Jason's house, of course. We just had sex a few weeks ago so it's not time for our next affair yet but that's not really why I'm here. I don't really know why I'm here. 

As I come down the little street leading past his house I see him bickering with his MC. I gulp but restore my courage and fix my clothes. He looks up as I close in and smiles at me. 

"Well isn't this a suprise? You usually avoide me for two months; was last time really that good?" he taunts with a chuckle. I smile back and stand in front of him. 

"Am I not welcome?" I tease him back, knowing he would never turn me away. 

"You're always welcome. How come you didn't text me? I could have been at work" he asks and gets up from the MC. His eyes are beautifully happy and soft. 

"It was just a whim to come here" I explain and make a face like I have no problems at all. His face suddenly turns sour. 

"What is that on your arm?" he aks and grabs my hand to pull it up. I yank it back but he grabs me and hurls me inside. I realize what a massive fuck up I just made. I make sure never to come see him whith bad bruises. I just forgot. 

"It's nothing" I lie and reach for the door. 

"Show me" he orders and blocks the way. I stare at the floor and he stares at me. 

"Jason-" I start but he grips my arm and pulls the sleeve back. It's a particularly bad bruise, all purple and dark. He doesn't say anyhting. He must think I'm such a looser, a freak. 

"Who did this?" he demands with an angry tone and a thretening aura. He doesn't like that I'm wearing someone elses mark. My boyfriend doesn't like that either. 

"No one. I fell" I lie and tare my arm out of his grip. He lets me slip it free. 

"You are seeing someone, aren't you? You've been this whole time; haven't you? That's why you don't want to meet too often" he thinks out loud. I shake my head. 

"No. I'm not!" I lie frantically, afraid that I will lose him. 

"Don't lie. I've known for a while now. Is he the one who did this?" Jason asks and stares at me intently. 

"No. This was a bad idea. I'm just gonna go" I mumble and try to push my way past him but he doesn't let me. 

"Stay" is all he says. 

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