Lean back and enjoy

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"No!" I beg and look at him with my best puppy dog eyes that even used to work on my ex sometimes. Jason shakes his head and points to the bed. 

"I'm not going to do anything you don't like. Lie down~" he coos but I whine and cling to the doorway. 

"Not this way, please" I plead. 

"I'm not one of your clients, Ryan. I don't want you to get me off. I want to make YOU feel good" he insists and takes a step towards me. I take a step back and give him another pleading gaze. 

"Why not? Just let me suck you off. I'll be more comfortable that way" I argue. He scoffs. 

"Because they tought you to be like that. I'm not going to punish you for not making me come. Please get on the bed, sweetheart" he coos and I can't resist him when he calls me that. He knows. 

I look at him anxiously as I make my way across the room and onto the bed in defeat. His perfect face gives me an apologetic smile and I'm just about to try cinvincing him again as he rips his shirt off. 

For a moment I'm mesmerized by my sculpted boyfriend. He's so hot it takes my breath away. 

"I feel the same" he says seductively and climbs up the bed. I shiver under his intense stare and feel very naked although I'm still fully clothed. 

With an increadible carefullness that no one has ever had with me, he lies down on top of me and caresses my waist. His hands touch me gently along the sides in a way that isn't only sexual. The way he looks at me sends shots of nervousness down my spine, leaving a unpatient tingle. 

After an eternity he leans in and I let him kiss me ever so slowly. It feels as if he doesn't want to finish this today. I move against his body and pull at his head, trying to make it faster. He pulls away with a smile as he shakes his head. 

"We're not in a rush, let's go slow. It's our first time as boyfriends, right?" he says and I don't have anything to say. It feels uncomfortable to just lie there as he kisses me. In a way it feels increadibly good, but out of all the times I've had sex no one has ever done this. 

Is this foreplay? I don't know and I don't want to ask him because it will make him think less of me. 

His tongue slips past my lips and pull at mine. He kisses me intently and sucks at my lips softly and fiery at the same time. His hands fondle the cuve of my waist and caress up and down my hips. 

I feel how he moves them upwards, teasing my skin and making me tremble in anticipation. Rough fingers touch me over my sweater and warm palms feel me up, caressing me in places I didn't knew felt good. Places no one has ever loved. 

His thumbs brush over my nipples and I moan against his mouth. It's scary to have him focus on me like this, watching my reactions. I let go of his soft hair and reach for his pants. A big hand grabs a hold of my fumbling fingers. 

"Not yet. Let me focus on you for a while" he says and my chest feels really cold as he says that. 

"Why?" I ask, but I feel like I shouldn't. He takes a deep breath and places my hands around his neck again. 

"Because I'm not together with you to use you" he says and presses a little kiss on the inside of my arm. 

"I'm the one using you" I disagree but he laughs sadly. 

"No, sweetheart. You're not" he assures me and leans in for another kiss. This one is hotter and wetter than the last one and he lets his hands touch sensually all over my body. A warm feeling pools in the pit of my stomach as he feels me up and I can't remember the last time I was this turned on. 

I really want him and I don't want to be held like this anymore. I just want him to fuck me and get it over with. 

Why do I want to get it over with? 

In realitly I don't want this to end. I want to have him touch me forever but I'm so used to hating this, I don't really know how to enjoy it. As he sucks at my tongue and and caress my chest I try to relax and let him. 

He wiggles one of his knees in between my legs and scoot up until his thigh is flush against my sensetive parts. I freeze until he moves it, making our jeans rub togeather in the most wonderful way. 

His hans gently tug at my nipples and his kisses trail down my neck and up again. His lips against mine are hot and demanding. He's everything that I've ever wanted and I have no idea what this is but I kind of like it. 

One of his hands snakes down between us and starts to rub me over my pants. I writhe and moan like the slutties little boy ever. He's so hot against me. As I let my hand caress his muscled chest I feel the rapid drum solo of his heart. The rythm of mine is even faster. 

Once again I reach down, hoping he's more turned on now. I feel the bulge of his boner as I search for the zipper but he stops me again. 

"I'm not done yet" he states and brings my hand up again. With a sweet smile he holds it to his mouth and kisses it. I blush like an idiot and though I want to do a lot in that moment my body is made of jello. 

"What are you waiting for?" I ask him. He give me another I'm-so-tired-of-your-shit-smile. 

"For you to lean back and enjoy" he answers and gives me a kiss that compleatly steals my breath away. 

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