What I had to pay

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When I get to work it's still early. I look at the others get ready until George steps in. I immediately run up to him with my best puppy dog eyes and ask. 

"Can I pleeeeeeeease get off early today? Pleeeeeeease?" I beg and look at him like he's Jesus and not a disgusting pimp. He grunts and looks at me. 

"Put on another shirt" he says and turns away to talk to Jenna. I run and change into the sluttiest little tank top I can find and run back to him. 

"Please, Boss?" 

"Much better" he states with a look at my young, almost naked body. Perv. 

"It's really important. Please?" I beg and even brush my body against him in that way he likes. 

"Get off, faggot" he grunts and pushes me back. The other girls and boys in the small room look at us. "If you take Mr. Hauffman you can leave when you're done. He'll be here at ten" George agrees and gives me a questioning look. 

My stomach turns sick from just the thought. Not many can handle Hauffmans kinks. I look over at Liam in the corner but he just looks away. I swallow the desert in my throat and weigh my options. 

If don't take Hauffman I won't get to see Jason until four... but I promised myself I would never agree to take on Hauffman again, no matter how much money he offered. 

In that moment I hate myself more than I can bear. 

"I'll take him" I agree and feel the alarm beating in my chest. I'll survive it. 

The disgusting fucker looks even older than last time I saw him and I'm surprised he hasn't died yet. With a wrinkled hand he pushes the money into the hands of the girl at the door. She smiles dutifully at him while I ignore the raging firebell in my head. 

"Hello, sweetheart. Long time no see" he muses and I smile my best smile. 

"Too long. I haven't forgotten your big cock. Has it forgotten me?" I coo and slither my way up to him. 

"Oh, no. It remembers your jucy little hole" he chuckles and drags his sausage finger over my lips. 

"Mhm" I hum and reach to unbuckle his belt. 

"Strip first. I want you to be naked as I fuck you senseless" he orders me. I do as he says but leave the tiny jock strap on so that he can admire my young body in the sexy underwear. 

At first he lets me do what I do best. 

I kiss the tip, swirl my tongue and suck him long and hard, taking it as deep as I can. 

He likes it. But not as much as he likes to fuck. 

In the end he just grabs my head and fucks me like I was made of plastic. 

I throw up four times. 

He cums on my face, on my chest and in my hair. 

My eyes sting from the tears and the makeup is halfway down my face when I look into the mirror of the wash room. I shower and scrub my face until it burns. From my bag I grab the clean clothes and a bottle of vodka. 

I take a shot to rinse my mouth and though I want to drink the entire bottle, I don't want to see Jason's disappointed face when I turn up drunk. Too sober to feel OK I stagger out of Georges whore house and head for the bus. 

Not many eyes turn to the emo kid in the dark and I cry in scilence. Never again, I promise myself. 

The air is cold as I walk towards his house. My hoodie is too warm for july but not warm enough to keep me from freezing. 

Crickets chirp in the tall grass and the wind pulls at my clothes like my clients. I shiver. The light is on and I can see his figure before he opens the door. I can tell by his face that he's surprised I'm this early. 

"Well, come on in" he says, like it's obvious that I'm welcome, even though I'm just as surprised every time. 

He gives me that assuring smile and I just step up to him and wrap my arms around him. He sighs but hugs me back. He thinks I'm such a disgusting, troublesome idiot.

But he has no idea what I had to pay to see him tonight. 

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