Tripple booked

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I have to go to work tonight. The thing is, I'm tripple booked. 

I promised my boyfriend I would be home tonight. Then my boss called, and just now I read the text from Jason. 


I look at my phone and sigh. This is the first time he's ever demanded that I come over. I know it's a bad sign that his tone has changed and I know that this is increadibly shitty timing, but I can't help the smile that slowly spreads across my lips. 

"The fuck you smiling at, cock sucker?!" Dylan calls from over the room. I point fuck you at him and text Jason that I'll be there. 

It's the last class and I'm already pumped for tonight. Suddenly going to work doesn't seem so bad, and I can just tell my boyfriend that I'll work late. He probably won't believe me but I don't care because Jason wants to see me. 

AFTER WORK, I add and send to Jason so that he knows I won't be there until after two AM. 

After class when everyone is leaving Emmet calls for me. I look up just in time to se Rory reaching for me. Panic flashes through me and I duck. 

He grabs me by the neck and slams my head into the lockers. I cry out in pain but he just laughs. 

"Freak" he hisses in my face and walks off with Emmet laughing with him. Dylan has filmed the whole thing and I know I'll be seeing that video all year. 

I wipe the one tear on my cheek with my black sleeve. The material is rough against my skin but so much softer than the rest of the world. I feel the ice spread in my chest. 

My body shivers and I look down the hall at their backs. Fuck them.  

I realize I don't have time to catch my breath so I hurry towards the buss. 

There is so much that I want. So much... So much that I don't have time for, and so much that will never happen. Today, it hurts like a giant volcano inside my chest and I run from the bus stop all the way to the door. 

He's outside drinking beer with one of his work friends. Fuck and curse my bad luck!  

"Babe!" he cheers and waves at me. At least he's in a good mood. I smile at him. 

"Hi! I missed you" I purr and drop my bag to climb into his lap. It's embarrassing as hell with his friend there but I know he loves it and I know it's the only way to make him agree to let me work all night. 

I kiss him with my best escorty boy skills. 

"Hi there; someone is horny" he laughs and his friends does to. Fuck both of you. 

"Mhm... so let's go inside..." I suggest and suck at his neck. He looks at me with a smug but doubtful eyebrow. I'm rarely this into him. 

"Really?" he aks and I let my hand rub him over his jeans. 

"Mhm" I hum and kiss him again. This time he buys it. 

"Sorry, Joe. Gotta take care of my little slut" he muses and I get up again. He slaps my butt before Joe goes and I see them exchange an amused look. Like I'm a funny little pet. Unhuman. Fuck you both. 

The sound of the door closing echoes througout my body. I take a deep breath and strip quickly. He trows his clothes off, just like the clients. He's already hard and reaches for my naked bottom like I'd be ready this quickly. But right now I just want to get this over with. That's it, forget everything else. 

I'm good at this. He forgets. 

He comes up to me from behind and pulls me in. He kisses me sloppily and I try to get into it. I like him, I tell myself. As I let my hands caress him over his pants he smiles evily. 

"You little slut, can't wait, can you?" he snickers and slaps my ass hard. I wince at the pain and his eyes light up. Fucker.  I force myself to smile at him. 

"Mhm" I hum at him and let him brutally toss me onto the bed. His weight makes the bed shift under me and I feel the familiar pain of him entering me. 

Though I feel like crying I urge him to fuck me. 

Though he doesn't prepare me or use any lube other than spit, I urge him to fuck my slutty little ass. 

Though it hurts with every thrust he makes I urge him to fuck his stupid little whore. 

That's what I am to him, to everyone. Except Jason. 

I take a long, deep breath and manage not to make a face of pain as I turn towards him. He falls down onto the bed beside me. 

"You liked that?" he asks and looks at me with that horrible spark in his eyes. Nobody could like being hurt like that. 

"Oh, yeah. You make me feel soooo good" I lie and snuggle up to him. He slaps my ass again and laughs as I twitch at the sudden pain. 

"I know you do" he says smugly. 

"Mhm... by the way... my boss called and I have to work all night tonight" I tell him and hope he won't be mad. I hear him take a calculating breath. 

"So you wanted me to warm you up, huh?" he suggests and sighs before he pushes me off and sits up to grab a smoke. 

"So I won't be home until morning" I tell him apologetically. 

"Well I don't give a shit, Ryan. The only reason I wanted you home tonight was to fuck you so just suck me off before you go" he informs me irritatedly. 

Though I didn't think I had any illusions of his love for me it hurts like a river of icy electricity when he says it like that. I can't breathe from the cold ache that cripples my chest. I thought he hurted me because he loved me... but he doesn't even care. 

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