Pretty princess

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Jason drops my hand and smothes his own down my shirt. I feel like an unexperiences little girl being seduced by this real man. He smiles before reaching inside and kissing the pale skin of my chest. 

I hold his soft hair in my hands as he kisses his way down onto my stomach. His big hands unbutton my jeans and he sits back up to softly ease me out of them and my brefis. I raise my hips to help him and he kisses my knee before tossing them on the floor. 

When he leans down over me again he has a thirsty look on his face. I'm already a little hard but my little dick twitches when he puts his hands on my hips. He caresses the area under my stomach and down onto my thighs. 

His finger tickles the inside of my legs and his lips press teasing kisses to my knee and further down until he's staring at my rock hard cock. My face is a nice shade of scarlet as he grabs my shaft and eases it into his mouth. 

With sure movements he sucks me off slowly and teases me by licking the sensetive head. I shiver and buck my hips at the amazing feeling. He's so unmerciful that I whine from the overwhelming sensation. 

Finally he lets me go, but not before I'm a panthing mess gripping the sheets and hiding my  face behind my arm. 

He kisses me all over my chest, like I'm a pretty princess and not a disgusting junkie. I shiver under his soft touch but hope for more. It feels like he doesn't want to hurt me, like he wants to be careful just in case. 

I feel him above me and pull him closer towards me. Kissing him like there is no tomorrow I pull at his clothes. This has to end now. He's too slow, too sweet. 

"Wait a second, honey. I'm enjoying myself" he laugs and smiles at me as if I'm being stupid. I don't understand. I have never enjoyed giving someone else pleasure, how could he? I'm probably the only one of us feeling good right now. 

"So let me give you head now" I argue. 

"No, I enjoy ravishing your body" he coos with a smile and kisses the v-line of my hips. 

"Why do you like to please me?" I ask with a weak voice. I want to understand. 

"Because I like seeing you feel good. It makes me very turned on. Look, I'm hard" he explains and shows off the energetic snake poking under his jeans. 

I stare at my shirtless boyfriend showing me his boner and smiling like an idiot. He looks so happy and satistfyed. He hasn't hurt me once and he's never called me anything but sweetheart, baby, honey or Ryan-darling. 

I can't help the tears that roll down my cheeks. I love him so much it hurts. He immediately dives down and wraps his arms around me. 

"I'm so sorry, baby. Was that scary? I'll never do it again" he coos and kisses my wet cheek. 

I shake my head and hug him back. 

"No, I just really love you" I say. "And I'm so sorry for being-" I start but he interrupts me. 

"I love you too, so you have nothing to be sorry for" he swears and kisses me again and again until I'm laughing through my tears. I let him find my lips for an apologetic kiss. He smiles at me and kisses me again. 

We both slide right back into kissing each other slowly and heartily. His hands make their way under my sweater again and he strokes my skin in a sensual way. I smooth my palms over his nice body and risp a little with my nails over his back. 

He growls at that and I smile mischeivously at him when he gives me a raised brow. I laugh and he attacks my neck with rough kisses before letting his hands find my bottom. 

Slowly he fondles my little buns and strokes the inside of my thighs. I moan and give him a desperat look, begging him to continue. He smiles like a devil while licking his fingers and probing them at my enterance. 

With serious care and devotion he pushes his finger inside and moves it in and out. He lets it pull at the sides to stretch me before pushing sticking another one inside. Not until I can take four fingers he slides them out and reaches for a condom. 

I unpatiently watch him roll it on. His body looks tan in the daylight from the blindfolded window. I spread my legs for him and raise them to give him easy access. I excpect him to slip right in but he leans down for another good minute of make out before leaning back to guide his member to my hole. 

My eyes are locked on the place where we are going to be connected. I feel his helmet push against my ring and I wait for the plop but he stops there. 

"Are you sure you want to?" he asks. 

I could cry but all I do is nod. 

"Yes" I say breathlessly and hold my legs so that he can push inside. 

I feel the plop of his head as it slides in but unlike my boyfriend or the clients he stops there, letting me get used to the feeling. Normally this hurts like hell but when he pushes himself further inside it just feels good. 

He dribbles some lube over the base of his cock before pushing all the way inside of me. As he bottoms out I gasp and tremble like a virgin. This feels so amazing I don't know what to do. I've never had sex like this. 

When he moves I gasp as he stretches me in a blissful way. Rocking back and forth he keeps rubbing against the place inside me that feels good. I've rarely ever had anyone find that place but he keeps watching me changing his angel to keep hitting it. 

Usually I fake my moans and move like I like it, even when I don't. With Jason I can't even think about that. I'm so busy gasping and writhing, gripping the sheets from feeling good. 

He gives me slow and deep stroaks that gets me used to his size before he picks up the pace. Like a greek god he pounds me until I'm a sweaty mess calling out his name.

When I start to buck my hips to meet him he grabs a hold of my dick to jerk me off. I come, impald on his dick that's drilling me into the mattress. He smiles and kisses me before sittin back. 

I'm panthing and smiling like an idiot. It feels just like getting down from a high, but better. The pleasue echoes in body and my hips feel electric. He slides out and is about to get off the bed. 

"What? No, don't go" I urge him but he gives me a sad smile. 

"I made you feel good, didn't I" he argues. I grab his hand and place it on my stomach. 

"You did; you do. Please don't stop! This is the first time I've cum like this. It's amazing. I want you to come too" I say and look at him pleadingly. 


"Please fuck me until I come again" I say and he can't resist that. With a new glow in his eyes he positions himself between my leg again. I feel his head challenge my hole and I hold my breath as it slips in, reachin deep inside me. 

He goes fast and hard, knowing just where to hit me. Ite feels like he's sedning electic chocks against my prostate. I panth wildly and call his name over and over again. 

There is no way he will make me come before he does but I smile at how good this feels anyway. 

Suddenly he stills and I feel his member throbbing inside me. He's breathing heavily and his eyes are hazy as he looks at me. My beautiful boyfriend.  

I reach up to kiss him and I feel myself smiling against his lips. 

Thank you. For a lot of things, I think and smile before lying down, knowing he will never understand what he's done for me. 

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