red . kuroo tetsurou

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NOTES/ haha mafia au got me like
                warnings?? uh suggestive themes???

if kuroo were to describe what it was like to be around you, he’d answer saying that being in your presence was like being in the presence of a goddess that had angels ㅡ maybe demons ㅡ that played smooth seductive melodies as you walked around, captivating the attention of any and every person that passed you by. he’d claim that the hypnotic and addicting sound you brought around was louder at night, especially when it was just the two of you. it brought shivers down his spine, tugged at the strings to his heart and gave him a sense of thrill. it was as if he was intoxicated and the shots just kept coming and coming; he didn’t want them to stop. 

“are you hearing anything i’m saying to you, tetsurou?” 

he hummed as his eyes flickered up from your lips to meet your eyes, a small smirk playing on his lips as he focused his gaze on you. no, he wasn’t listening, he didn’t even know what you said now, but he wouldn’t say he was at fault. he wanted to blame you for looking too good for absolutely no reason. who were you trying to impress by wearing red lipstick, a red bodycon dress and red stilettos? did you know just how much you were pulling at his heart by dressing the way you did? he could devour you right here right now in this sorry excuse of an office provided to the both of you by your bratty mafia boss. 

“tetsurou, i was explaining to you what we were assigned to do,” you sighed, leaning back on the couch the two of you were seated at. you crossed your legs and folded your arms in front of your chest, looking up at the male who was clearly not bothered that you were getting irritated with him. instead, you watched as his eyes grazed over your skin, taking his time as he sized you up right in front of him without any shame. his hands were at least kept to himself, one arm behind the couch and the other rested on his thigh. “i hate being partnered with your dumb ass.” 

he heard that comment this time and chuckled, a smirk forming on his lips as he made himself a bit more comfortable on the couch, scooting the slightest bit closer to you. “that’s a lie,” he shot back lightly, his voice a whisper as he leaned his face in closer to yours, still hovering over you much like the way he does when you two stand. it wasn’t your fault he was massive in comparison to you, making you look smaller than you should seem whenever he was around. “i know you don’t like working with anybody else but me.” 

you raised a brow and studied his face for a moment before you turned away, sitting yourself up like before and placing your focus back on the papers spread out on the coffee table in front of the both of you. you didn’t want to admit to anything and would never let him know just how much he managed to drive you crazy. it would get to his head and if you gave in, you two just might be split up for being too close. work wasn’t a place where you two could indulge in dismissed desires that should be relieved in much more appropriate and comfortable places. “i’ll explain it one more time,” you muttered, reaching for a couple pages, “if you don’t listen, i’ll leave you behind, tetsurou.” 

kuroo hummed, his eyes now taking in your back side and the way your dress hugged your body. it was on the shorter side and where the dress stopped at your thighs could do wonders to anybody. he liked the way the dress pressed against your skin, hugging your thighs just enough to tempt him to squeeze at your skin. he was holding himself back right now but if he decided he could care less about his self control, his hands would be exploring your body like he’s never felt it before. 

“so repeat to me what i just said,” he heard you call out, your voice becoming directed to him as you turned your head, glaring at him with cold eyes. 

he chuckled at your expression and sat forward, placing a hand behind you to hold his weight. he leaned in close to your shoulder, almost resting his chin against your bare skin but keeping his distance in a way to tease both you and himself. you could pretend like you didn’t care all you want but kuroo knew you better than anybody else could claim to. he knew just how much you wanted to let him have his way with you right here right now but of course, work was work. “sorry, you’re just really distracting me,” he whispered, his breath warm against your shoulder, “did you wear all this red for me?” 

you immediately scoffed, turning away to hide the blush on your cheeks that wasn’t far from the colour of your outfit. “n-no,” you choked out, regretting the stutter that you knew wouldn’t get passed kuroo. 

he chuckled and sat back, his arm finally moving to wrap around your waist and bring you up against his side. your dress rode up at the movement and his hands were quick to grab the ends of it by your other side, his arms practically around your body. “you know red’s my favourite colour,” he told you, tugging your leg to drape over his until you were seated on his lap with your legs on either side of him. he kept you pressed up close to him, his hands firm against the back of your thighs and holding your dress down as much as he could. “come on. let’s head to my place. we can review that assignment there.” he smiled up at you with half lidded eyes that held strong emotion in them that made your heart swell. “it isn’t like anyone’s here to tell us to stay since everyone went home. your stupid ass said let’s stay and review our assignment as if we don’t have better things to do.” 

“you won't focus it we do it elsewhere!" you hissed, pressing your hands against his shoulders to weakly attempt getting out of his grasp. it was painfully obvious that you weren't actually trying to deny him physically. "mind you, we got into trouble last time because you kepㅡ”

“i thought the past is in the past when it came to you?" kuroo muttered, cutting you off which shut your mouth quick. the way he projected his voice in such a demanding manner made your body shudder, something that didn't go passed him. he smirked up at you and continued teasingly, "what? you wanna relive that moment?”

you could only slap his shoulder and glare, not much fight in you as he was doing all that he knew he had to do just to get his way with you. the blush on your face wasn't helping you either and just became more of a reason for kuroo to keep pushing at your buttons. “shutㅡ shut your mouth, tetsurou.” 

he grinned and pinched at your thighs to fluster you further. by now he knew just a little more would get him what he wanted.

“i’ll have you know ukai told me if we fuck up this assignment like we almost did last time he’s going to have my neck,” you shot, grabbing his tie aggressively though it wasn't helping you look intimidating. instead, it just lit a fire in kuroo, making him more impatient with the situation and excited for later when he knew you wouldn't have anything snarky to say. “i’m not trying to get kicked from my source of income, asshole.” 

“i’m more than aware since i got the same kind of lecture,” he noted, rolling his eyes playfully at you. he let his hands travel down your thighs and put a nice smile on his face to tease you. “i won’t make the same mistake twice, f/n. trust me a little, will you?”

“trust you? are you kidding me right now?”

he simply hummed and nodded, staring up into your eyes with the same dreamy look he knew you couldn't resist. he studied your face, taking in the way your cheeks flush and how your ears were just as red as your cheeks. your brows were furrowed not in anger but clear frustration at the fact that he, once again, was getting his way because you were so wrapped around his finger. not that he wasn't wrapped around yours. it was just he knew his impact on you was much more greater since he knew just how to make you give in.

"i'm gonna ask you a question, f/n," he spoke lowly, gently bringing you off of his lap and back onto the couch so he could stand up. "your answer's going to determine where we go." he looked down at you with a hunger in his eyes you knew all too well, making your chest tighten and body heat up. just by his expression you knew where this was going and you knew you already lost. this was him making his victory claim and work was already forgotten. he smirked. “yes or no, did you wear red for me?"

“... yes.” 

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