first kiss . tsukishima kei

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NOTES/ inspired by

cloudimistic tsukishima is a bad kisser period 😌❞

i have never kissed anyone in my life so LMFAO,,, excuse this potentially shitty one shot. i even had to ask a friend what it was like to kiss someone agdjdhjsshskksjska

kissing isn’t instinctive, tsukishima was well aware, so obviously that made him nervous to kiss you. you were his senior, a second year he met on his street because he was trying to take a picture of the full moon during a night that it was utterly massive. that night graced him with your presence and gifted him a relationship that brought him lots of love and joy. this was the first relationship he’s been in, quite the contrast to you as you were experienced due to having an ex or two. there were a lot of firsts he was going to experience with you but on the top of his list was probably to kiss you, which would also happen to be his very first kiss. 

again, kissing wasn’t instinctive and he was shaking in his boots. 

“um— y/n— i don’t know how to kiss,” he blurted out, already getting right into embarrassing himself in front of you. he was certain there was no getting out of being inexperienced so he figured he might as well come clean before you even had the chance to make fun of him. he wouldn’t allow for you to tear down his confidence before he could. 

you, of course, had a goofy smile on your lips as you stared up at your baby of a boyfriend. clearly he had no idea how to kiss since he didn’t even try to set the mood. he held you by the shoulders and looked down at you while standing in the middle of his room like this was some sort of ideal. you already had an assumption that this was going to be one hell of a first kiss for him. 

“s-sorry,” he stuttered, feeling his whole face heat up, “i’m nervous and it’s weird— and i’ve never ever before.”

it was out of character of him to be so nervous but being in a relationship with him did grant you access to seeing sides of him he’d never want to show to others. you saw just how flustered he could get around you, just how sweet he really was and just how much of a softy the hard-headed asshole of a guy tsukishima kei was. it was thrilling to say the least and you savoured every moment he let himself be a little bit more vulnerable around you. 

“that’s okay,” you reassured him, gently taking a hold of his wrists to pull his stiff hands away from your shoulders, “you’re much taller than me so why don’t we both sit down?”

he’s never agreed to anything so quick in his life and found himself sitting down right where he stood previously just as soon as you had suggested it. maybe you were implying to sit on the bed, maybe you weren’t. whatever it was, at least he was seated. 

you followed suit and found your way on his lap which was something he found comfort in. it was familiar affection as you liked to snuggle up to him this way when he was studying and you were keeping him company. his arms were able to wrap around you comfortably, much different from the way he held you by your shoulders earlier. 

“comfy?” you asked, giggling a bit at how slow you two were going. it was as if you were prepping him for other more intimate things but it was just a simple kiss. though you weren’t going to lie that first kisses were pretty nerve-racking. you would never want to bring up how embarrassing your first kiss was so you didn’t really intend on making this hell for your beloved. 

“yes, very comfy,” he answered like a child, his eyes searching yours for some sort of answer. he wanted to make sure everything he was doing was right since as much as he wanted this to be a good first experience for him, he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable for his shortcomings. there were many things he was good at, like math, science, history and even english. he was able to surprisingly help you with your english homework despite you being a third year but stuff like this, social and relationship experience, he was just following your lead. 

at least he knew how to hold hands properly, he thought. 

“so kissing isn’t all that bad,” you explained lightly, relaxing against tsukishima which was getting him to loosen up as well, “i mean at first it’s obviously going to be weird and scary but you kinda just? i don’t know maybe pucker your lips over and over again?” 

tsukishima’s face blew up in red at your words. he really was a kid. 

“but t-that’s like advanced kissing!” you quickly added, laughing sheepishly as you soon realized that you were moving into a process that wasn’t just a quick peck on the lips. that’s the first step you have to establish. “i’m going to kiss you but i’m going to just do it for a moment. it’s nothing i want to pressure you into doing so much if you don’t enjoy it. after all, it’s quite intimate anyway.”

he could only hum. 

your arms wrapped around his neck and tilted your head to the side, something that was just instinctive to you at this point. however, tsukishima remained stiff and still. this made you giggle and scrunch your nose. 

“kei, baby, so, tilt your head a little opposite from me,” you softly suggested, making him jump a little. 

he followed your instruction and tilted his head just a bit. after that, he took it upon himself to close his eyes since everyone closes their eyes when they kiss, right? his eyes were shut tightly, small crinkles forming at the corner of his eyelids. it was very cute and if you were an asshole you would devour his lips right then and there. 

glasses were a bit of an obstacle so you gently took hold of his frames by its bridge and pulled it off his face. you folded the arms and set them down beside you before bringing your focus back onto your boyfriend. he was nervous, you could tell since he was being fidgety and his heart was practically palpitating out of his chest, but this was going to be a harmless little peck. 

smiling, you finally leaned in and pressed your lips against his gently, an immediate response coming from your boyfriend. his breath hitched and his arms suddenly tightened against your hips. his brows furrowed and his eyes squeezed themselves shut tighter. it might have been out of instinct but his lips pursed at the feeling of yours against his and his body pulled back, seemingly unable to process the new sensation of having someone’s lips against his own. 

“silly,” you teased gently, laughing at his reaction, “don’t pull away from me. loosen up, would you?”

tsukishima could only beat himself up in his mind before forcing himself to relax. if anything, that was already his first kiss so there was nothing to lose. 

as soon as he felt your lips against his once more, his lips parted slightly, leaning in closer to you to create depth into the intimate affection. this was exciting for you and you let him take some control. his lips moved against yours gingerly, cautious with the way he approached you and moulded his mouth against yours. it was endearing that he was thinking but he really was a bad kisser. 

kissing wasn’t instinctive, you were well aware. 

you locked your lips with his, his body shuddering at your approach and relaxing once you pulled away. his eyes opened and he was out of breath, not knowing how to manage his breathing with a sport like kissing. his face was flushed, his hands were shaking and he was getting a little sweaty. but over all, he liked the feeling of being that close to you. 

he smiled. 

“i love you, kei,” you began, trying to stifle your laughter, “but you are literal dog shit at kissing, my love.”

he frowned. 

never has he felt the urge to throw you off of his lap this fast and he would have done it had you not continued speaking to defend your rude statement. 

“you’re so tense and sloppy but it’s okay!” you giggled, cupping his cheeks endearingly, bringing his face close to yours to give him a quick peck on the lips, “we have all the time in the world to practice, just you and me.” 

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