to be selfish . ushijima wakatoshi

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NOTES/ inspired by

damnirina ushiJiMa and readed having late njght talks❞

i wrote on this suggestion before but it was a mere text conversation and i wanted to write on it again so ya ! the one shots are unrelated as well

ushijima wasn’t one to stay up with a busy mind. he didn’t think about many unimportant things so he didn’t exactly understand why you wanted to stay up to talk the night away. even still, as someone important to him, he respected your wishes and laid down beside you on the bottom bunk of his bed squished together. 

he was well aware that girls weren’t allowed at the male dormitories at night ㅡ it was a very important rule that everyone had to follow ㅡ but he was also aware that there were many rulebreakers in the school. what was one more? plus, ushijima supposed that your defense of why you were staying in his dorm wasn’t too unreasonable. 

tendou was spending the night at his family's home and you didn’t want ushijima to feel lonely or scared. not that he was but he wanted to entertain your childish reasoning. your company was more than welcome anyway since you two have stayed up together before over a video call. the only difference was that you were pressed right beside him, his left arm hugged by you and your legs over his. 

ushijima would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy being this close to you. 

“toshi! were you even listening?” you whisper-yelled, a pout in your tone which brought ushijima out of his head. 

he turned to you, not sporting an apologetic look, and raised his brows. “sorry, y/n. no, i wasn’t listening.” 

you sighed at his straightforward response and pulled away much to his dismay. he didn’t pull you back though, letting you move to sit up to face him. you crossed your legs and thankfully reached for his hand, bringing it onto your lap so your fingers could fiddle with his as you spoke. 

“i’ll repeat the question but you better listen this time,” you told him quietly before scrunching your face up cutely. since you insisted on keeping his desk lamp on until you were able to fall asleep, he was able to capture your expression which put a small smile on his face. 

“i’m listening,” he reassured you, bringing his right hand behind his head as he gazed at you intently. 

you smiled and nodded, beginning your ramble which would eventually form a question. you went on and on, explaining a situation that was bringing you to become quite heated and emotional as the way you spoke moved with your words. it seemed as if the situation was yours and you might have been seeking advice or for him to confirm your own actions. he honestly wasn’t sure. but when you asked him the overall question, he was a bit taken back. 

“would you go for the girl that you like even if it meant your friend, who i guess isn’t entirely your friend friend, likes himㅡ i mean herㅡ too?” 

he studied your expression, seeing the way your brows knitted in worry. your eyes spoke volumes to him, his chest tightening at the pained expression you were holding. he didn’t have to be a social butterfly to pick up on this and he found himself sitting up to face you properly. he didn’t want to address the situation so casually as it seemed to be much more than a hypothetical question to you. 

“iㅡ i mean i was just thinking about it,” you quickly added, feeling the situation become much more serious than you had intended, “just some late night stuffㅡ nothing serious, t-toshi.” 

he hummed, his eyes moving to your hands which were holding his. he pulled away for a moment but only to readjust, taking a hold of your dominant hand in his.

he’s thought about the question you asked him multiple times, surprisingly enough. he thought that what if tendou took a liking to you? or if semi wanted to take you out on a date? what if ohira or even yamagata wanted to spend a night like this with you? 

he knew what bro-code was, to back off for a girl that your friend, or "bro", may like; however, when it came to you, he didn’t seem to enjoy that idea. was it wrong to be selfish? was it wrong to want a chance to be with someone you adore? someone you love? would anyone be okay with a friend determining whether or not you’ll be able to spend your time with the love of your life? 

“it’s okay to be selfish,” ushijima mumbled, his hand squeezing yours gently, “especially if it’s you, y/n.” his eyes gazed into yours, almost as if he was searching deep for your soul and your heart’s desires. “you deserve to be with someone you love and i believe that you do more than anyone else as you give yourself up more often than you should.” he pulled away and turned to face forward, his hands resting on his calves as he mindlessly stretched his body forward. “i would like to be that person.” 

your face flushed, completely embarrassed at the ease ushijima displayed. he read you completely, gave you honest advice, complimented you then confessed all together. it was overwhelming and certainly not the reaction you were looking for ㅡ not that you were even looking for anything from him ㅡ but you were happy. 

would it be right to back off for someone ushijima didn’t love? would it be right to let someone who was merely a classroom friend to determine who you fall in love with? would it be fair to yourself to let someone move forward when you’ve been waiting for much longer? 

you smiled and shook your head, laughing at the odd turn of events before making your way into ushijima’s arms. he embraced you securely, his arms wrapping around your frame to hold you close. “i’m ready to go to sleep now,” you murmured into his chest, your smile remaining. 

“okay, i’ll turn the lamp off first,” he responded, giving you a squeeze before releasing you and scooting his way around the mattress to get off of it. once finished with the task, he turned back to you and let his eyes adjust to the darkness so he could make out your frame. he smiled to himself and shook his head much like you had earlier and bent down to return to your arms. with ease, like you’ve done this multiple times before, you found him and let him bring you into his embrace. 

“good night, wakatoshi,” you murmured against his neck, making his smile widen. 

“good night, y/n.”

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