early morning jogs . kageyama tobio

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you were barely awake, eyes daring to close and mind at the brink of shutting down, yet you continued pushing yourself to attempt to match kageyama's already slowed pace. he was not jogging at his usual speed to help modify the cardio work out for you but it still seemed too fast for 5 in the morning.

if he agreed to it, you'd probably offer to just lay down and continue your sleep by the side of the road and then wait for him to finish jogging before taking you back home.

"you're basically sleep walking," kageyama huffed, bringing his jogging to a stop which you were thankful for.

you didn't hesitate to stop, immediately bending over and resting your palms against your thighs to try to catch your breath. "i'm barely awake, yama," you panted softly, breath warm and visible through the rather chilly air of the morning, "the hell do expect when we're running through the ass crack of dawn?"

his brows furrowed at the metaphor he didn't quite catch. all he really understood now was that you were tired and that maybe suddenly starting to jog at 5 am wasn't exactly ideal for you. it wae clear to him you bit off more than you could chew and now you were choking.

he was excited when you told him you wanted to jog with him in the morning. this was something he enjoyed as it gave him a sense of comfort so spending it with you was going to be special. he wanted you to feel the serenity he felt, have something close to his heart to share with you, but became aware that maybe it wasn't for everybody no matter how much he enjoyed it.

"we can take a break," he suggested despite having only been jogging for less than 10 minutes. he could still see your house but decided not to mention it, not wanting to possibly upset you as you were already having a hard time staying awake. still, he wanted to spend the morning with you. "let's just walk then."

he saw the way your eyes lit up, a burst of energy bringing them alive. he thought you might have just wanted to go home all together but seeing that you wanted to still spend time with him at "the ass crack of dawn" made him happy. he didn't feel all too bad about not jogging the full time he had intended to.

you happily took the lead along with his hand, walking at a casual but slower pace which made it seem as if you two never intended to jog in the first place. it would probably look almost insane had anyone seen you two. what teenagers would be up at 5 just to take a walk? what was supposed to be exercise became a stroll to admire the beauty of the world at the quiet time of 5 am.

the sky was taking it's time to brighten, the dark hues of the night sky mixing with the baby blue that was soon to be brighter when the sun rose from the horizon. the clouds looked as if they were in the process of waking up much like you were and the birds in the sky were flying at what seemed to be a morning stroll, or flight, kind of pace. even the world slept and took it's time to wake up to show its beauty.

time felt unreal when you stopped and looked around you for once; kageyama found the route he's always taken to jog at 5 in the morning to suddenly feel different.

he hasn't taken much time to let the world around him sink in, usually keeping his eyes forward with music in his ears and thoughts occupied about breakfast, volleyball or you. with the slower pace, he was able to see just what he couldn't when he was running and like always, you were the reason he was seeing something new. it was beautiful, he would admit, but he felt that it was only as beautiful as it was because you were there.

the way you smiled as you took in the fresh morning air, the way the lighting of the soon to be rising sun gave you a look he's never seen before, the way your aura matched with the soon to be woken up world. he liked it all.

"isn't this much nicer than burning your lungs?" you asked jokingly, turning to face kageyama with a cheeky smile on your lips, "sometimes ya gotta stop and look at the beauty of the world, yama!" your smile got wider which brought the corners of your boyfriend's mouth to lift. "take in the scenery of where you run! take that deep breath of fresh air in the morning! hear the birds wake!"

he wanted to call you out and tell you that this was you trying to get out of the jog but found truth in your words. it was an experience and he was thankful to have you with him. it also brought him to see some sort of a different side of you as it wasn't only until now that he's seen you functioning at 5 in the morning. like he was the world, he was taking in the scenery of you and your beauty, breathing in the reassurance of your smile, hearing your soothing voice that brought him to realize he wantes to hear it all the time.

"i suppose," he answered, giving you a smile before facing forward, "it's different... but nice."

you hummed, nodding along. "and to top it all off? going back to bed and snuggling up to warm blankets! that would definitely wrap up this early morning jog." you giggled cheekily, letting kageyama know that you were trying to get out of this physical activity so early in the morning. "what do ya say, yama?"

he sighed and turned to you, his eyes once more taking in your appearance before shaking his head and turning away. he tugged you back to the direction of your house and chuckled as soon as you picked up the pace.

"at least we got somewhere," he mumbled, feeling you tug him forward, "maybe 7 am jogs would we better?"

"5 am to 7 am to 10 am cuddles sounds the best!"

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