french 75 . miya atsumu

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NOTES/ perhaps i got carried away,,,,, but the idea was too cute to compress to less than what it turned out to be

pro athlete!atsumu and model!reader meeting at a charity event and later talking over sum drinks haha

miya atsumu, despite being a pro athlete, felt that he was not on the same social level as you. you were a famous model, having walked multiple fashion shows around the world and appeared on countless front pages of dozens and dozens of magazines. you were known to have a fierce aura, a sharp stare and the presence of a deity. yet you acted like nothing but a mere child. why you were more excited about the chance to win free face masks than he was? he had no clue but he kinda liked it.

it was a charity event he and a couple of his teammates were invited to attend and with the odd mix up of names, they all ended up somehow seated with you. typically events like these had people that had the same platform sitting together yet here you were, seated with miya atsumu and sakusa kiyoomi to your left and bokuto koutarou and hinata shoyou to your right. they looked like bodyguards with you seated right between all of them.

the athletes to your left had assumed you'd be a bit bratty about the mix up, probably blow a fuse like stereotypical snobby models would because you had to sit with men who smacked around a ball for funzies, but you were more than welcoming to them. you seemed much more thrilled about it than they ever imagined you'd be. you clicked instantly with the goofballs to your right, even joining in on their banter and eventually claiming that if they ended up winning the facemasks during the raffle event that they should give it to you since they didn't care much for it.

"but what if we don't win the facemasks but something else?" hinata asked with a grin, almost bouncing on his seat from his general excitement, "you should know i'm not gonna give you the free meal for two coupon from (fav restaurant)~!"

"w-well duh!" you huffed, crossing your arms with a pout, "i'm not that much of a brat, hinata. if i won that free meal coupon i wouldn't even bring a date!" you leaned back in your chair and stared at the slip of paper in your hands that had your raffle number.

"you wouldn't have a date?" bokuto asked, snickering at your pouting, "i'd imagine that even the l/n f/n, especially the l/n f/n, would have a date since you are a top model."

you rolled your eyes playfully and shoved the nosy male by his shoulder gently as he leaned in to wiggle his brows at you. "well mr pro volleyball player," you began, tone playfully snarky which made the boys around you chuckle, "i've had a couple dates but most men are just absolute garbage, more so when they learn i'm a model."

"oof," hinata responded, making you and bokuto laugh, "so all your dates go bad, huh?"

you hummed, nodding along. "more or less," you answered with a smile. it didn't bother you too much to be all upset about the topic. "people have some nerve expecting me to act a certain way. is it wrong to want to eat onigiri and instant ramen at home instead of going to eat in some other country?"

hinata and bokuto were quick to side with you, beginning to dive into a conversation about the greatness of trivialities. spending time in a space of comfort was something you enjoyed as you had to travel around a lot for work. you really did like spending time at home doing domestic things and it was a wish of yours to find someone that truly understood that.

unbeknownst to you, the blond seated right by your left side knew exactly what you were talking about.

his interest in you kept diving deeper and deeper with each new topic you and his 2 goofball teammates talked about. he wasn't part of the conversation, and didn't want to be, but he listened just to get to know you passed the image most of society and the industry created for you. he fell instantly for your laid back nature and the simplicity of your happiness that came from trivial matters. it appealed to him that free face masks made you so happy and that you weren't seeking out to be bought a whole beauty company instead.

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