Chapter 1 part 2

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Sorry I'm advance for this really long chapter.

It was the next day at school, marinette had slept in and was running half an hour late. She snuck into the classroom and noticed when she was going up the platform Adrien was watching her, she waved and he waved back.

Adriens pov:
I was beginning to worry about marinette as she hadn't shown up for class yet. I asked Alya if she knew where she was but she just shrugged and said "I called her but nothing worked" disappointed I just started focusing on what ms bustier was teaching, when I noticed a certain familiar petite girl sneak in through the door when the teacher wasn't looking.
I hadn't realised I was staring at her until her blue bell eyes met mine and she waved and smiled. I waved back as she quickly and quietly sat down behind me and next to Alya.

Marinettes pov:
"Where have you been girl?" My best friend Alya asked. "I slept in sorry" giggling a little bit, "I had this strange dream last night of these strong green eyes watching me from the park".

Adriens pov:
"I had this strange dream last night of these strong green eyes watching me from the park". He heard marinette say, he hadn't realised she actually saw him. So he started listening to what they were whispering about.

After class ended, Adrien decided to ask marinette on what she had seen. Hoping it wasn't too creepy to have eavesdropped on her conversation.

Alyas pov:
As me and marinette we're leaving the school Adrien came running up to us, it wasn't unusual lately that he seemed to be trying to spend more time with my bff. I was told by ladybug to keep a special eye on marinette seeming how I'm rena rouge and there was news that chat noir had a fancy liking for her friend, As i can call lb if anything fishy happens within a matter of seconds.
He was asking about the green eyes she mentioned in class, "why do you show so much interest blondie?" She said playfully, Adrien was caught off guard by her question so she pushed him a tiny bit further, "your not the one who was following her were you" Alya laughed but Adrien was serious as he awkwardly said "no". "I'm joking dude, chill" I said, I used to have suspicions on Adrien being the famous criminal chat noir but after spending more time around him he reminded Me of just some teen with a crush on marinette.

Marinettes pov:
I was still talking to Adrien about yesterday when Alya mentioned she had to run. Babysitting her little sisters again, "bye Alya, be safe!" I called out, she replied "you need to be careful as well, make sure a cat isn't following u home again" she giggled but was serious and ran off.
"Would you like me to walk you home marinette? Just in case some crazy person out there really is following you," Adrien asked "no thanks Adrien, i have to go to the Eiffel Tower for inspiration on a new design I'm working on".  "Ok just make sure you stay safe, talk to you on monday" he left waving.

I decided to walk instead of call a cab as I needed to lose a few pounds in my opinion, but as I got to the tower I realised it was already getting dark, "dang it, I should have called a cab to drive me" I moaned under my breath. but too late now I started walking up the tower and decided to watch the sunset while thinking of designs. I was distracted by my thoughts when I heard a somehow familiar voice behind me,
"Hello purrincess".

Chat noirs pov:
I didn't want to wait til monday so I didn't, I decided I was going to see my princess now. I was watching her walk to the Eiffel Tower as it started getting dark, I was watching for some sicko if anyone would try and put they're dirty hands on my princess but to their luck they didn't tonight. I reached the top before marinette and hid in a dark corner waiting to see her appear.
Around 5 minutes later I hear her sit down and start humming watching the beautiful pastel sunset. I couldn't hide anymore I had to hold her, she had to be mine.
"Hello purrincess" I purred,
Scared she looked back but hadn't quite realised where I was yet, so I took the opportunity to tell her "don't be scared, I'm not going to hurt you. Yet" he mumbled the last part to himself.
"How can I trust you if I can't even see you" she replied trying to sound brave but I could see her. She was whimpering,shaking so vulnerable so delicate. I wanted to hold her, but I decided not to. "If I come out will you promise to sit back down with me?"
She took a moment then nodded. Looking at her trying to not show her fear, it made me feel powerful "oh how she turns me on" he thought, she knows what I can do. I took a step out of the shadows, the Paris lights lit up the city and I was drowned out in plain sight.

Marinettes pov:
As chat noir came out of the shadows, his tall slender Frame, pure black suit, his shining eyes stood out against his mask. Oh boy he was hot, NO marinette what am i thinking but as he inches closer my fear became more prominent.I fell to my knees, I couldn't help it they just gave way. Chat saw this and walked over to see if I was okay, "do you really think I would hurt you princess?" He smirked "are you hurt? Did I scare you that badly?" He said in a joking sarcastic way.
THE chat noir was standing right in front of me, I was terrified and I couldn't move. Paralyzed by those luring green eyes. "Princess, it's rude not to answer if someone asks you a question". He smirked.
And then I blacked out.

Marinettes pov:
I woke up in the same position I was in before I saw chat, "oh my god, chat!?" I stood up and looked around but he was no where. My pen and design book where still in my hand, "was it... was it all a dream?" I half whispered to myself half to see if he was actually there and would answer me. But when I looked around I saw the moon high in the sky. "Oh my god what time is it" I shouted startling some pigeons nearby. I picked up my phone to 12 missed calls from mom and dad. "I'm in so much trouble" I grumbled as I read the time "1:36 am" I grabbed my things and ran down the tower while calling my mom, on the 3rd ring she picked up. "Marinette! sweetie where have you been?" She said in a strict but worried tone. "Me and Tom (marinettes dad) have been worried sick, never mind that right now, where are you I'm coming to pick you up".

When marinette got home she was grounded for the next 3 weekends which meant no movies with Alya on sunday. She explained to her parents what happened, that she fell asleep designing, purposely leaving out the fact that she wasn't sure if chat was a dream or not. And they sent her off to her room with that.

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